Truls Thorsen Karlsen,
Anna Malin Kristin Johansson,
Johannes Philipp Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Incidence angle dependency and seasonal evolution of L and C-band SAR backscatter over landfast sea ice
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Mapping icebergs in sea ice: An analysis of seasonal SAR backscatter at C- and L-band
Remote Sensing of Environment 2024
Jozef Rusin,
Thomas Lavergne,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
K. Andrea Scott
Resolution enhanced sea ice concentration: a new algorithm applied to AMSR2 microwave radiometry data
Henrik Fisser,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Knut Vilhelm Høyland
Impact of varying solar angles on Arctic iceberg area retrieval from Sentinel-2 near-infrared data.
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
A comparison of constant false alarm rate object detection algorithms for iceberg identification in L- and C-band SAR imagery of the Labrador Sea
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft
Data Augmentation for SAR Sea Ice and Water Classification Based on Per-Class Backscatter Variation With Incidence Angle
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 03. July 2023
Wenkai Guo,
Polona Itkin,
Suman Singha,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Malin Johansson,
Gunnar Spreen
Sea ice classification of TerraSAR-X ScanSAR images for the MOSAiC expedition incorporating per-class incidence angle dependency of image texture
Anca Cristea,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Camilla Brekke
Automatic detection of low-backscatter targets in the Arctic using wide swath sentinel-1 imagery
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2022
Wenkai Guo,
Polona Itkin,
Johannes Lohse,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Cross-platform classification of level and deformed sea ice considering per-class incident angle dependency of backscatter intensity
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Incident Angle Dependence of Sentinel-1 Texture Features for Sea Ice Classification
Suman Singha,
Anna Malin Kristin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Robustness of SAR Sea Ice Type classification across incidence angles and seasons at L-band
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2021
Anca Cristea,
Malin Johansson,
Natalya A. Filimonova,
Dmitry Ivonin,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
et al.:
Towards automatic detection of dark features in the Barents Sea using synthetic aperture radar
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2020
Anca Cristea,
Jeroen Van Houtte,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Integrating Incidence Angle Dependencies Into the Clustering-Based Segmentation of SAR Images
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2020
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Mapping sea-ice types from Sentinel-1 considering the surface-type dependent effect of incidence angle
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Model-Based Polarimetric Decomposition With Higher Order Statistics
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2019
Suman Singha,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Towards operational sea ice type retrieval using L-band Synthetic aperture radar
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2019
Wenkai Guo,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Johannes Philipp Lohse,
Anna Malin Kristin Johansson,
Polona Itkin,
Torbjørn Eltoft
et al.:
Towards a multi-decadal SAR analysis of sea ice types in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean
Wenkai Guo,
Jack Christopher Landy,
Ximing Xu,
Yong Luo,
Jianbin Huang,
Anne Christina Braakmann-Folgmann
et al.:
The Bilateral INTERAAC (air-snow-ice-ocean INTERactions transforming Atlantic Arctic Climate) Collaboration between Norway and China
Jozef Rusin,
Thomas Lavergne,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
K. Andrea Scott
Optimisation of a Sentinel-1 U-Net for 2.5 km Sea Ice Concentration
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Nick Hughes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Time-Series Analysis of SAR Backscatter from Icebergs at L- and C-band
Anna Telegina,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Denis Demchev,
Anton Korosov
Prediction of sea ice conditions using Sentinel 1 imagery and sea ice drift forecast. Methodology and accuracy assessment.
Anna Telegina,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Denis Demchev
Methodology for prediction of ice conditions based on SAR mages and model sea ice drift data
Anna Telegina,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anton Korosov,
Denis Demchev
Short term prediction of ice conditions: an integration of SAR Imagery and model derived sea ice drift data
Catherine Cecilia A Taelman,
Johannes Philipp Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Anna Malin Kristin Johansson
From winter to melt season: C-band radar backscatter evolution of fast-drifting sea ice floes
Malin Johansson,
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft
The impact of input features in deep learning based sea ice mapping
Jack Christopher Landy,
Shiming Xu,
Wenkai Guo,
Evgenii Salganik,
Jianbin Huang,
Anna Malin Kristin Johansson
et al.:
The Bilateral INTERAAC (air-snow-ice-ocean INTERactions transforming Atlantic) Collaboration between Norway and China
Debanshu Ratha,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Andrea Marinoni,
Torbjørn Eltoft
On Importance of Off-Diagonal Elements in the Polarimetric Covariance Matrix: A Sea Ice Application Perspective
Jack Christopher Landy,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Malin Johansson,
Yang Zhang,
Polona Itkin,
Torbjørn Eltoft
Multi-decadal time series of sea ice type classification in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean retrieved from wide-swath Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Wenkai Guo,
Jack Christopher Landy,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Malin Johansson,
yang zhang,
Polona Itkin
et al.:
Multi-decadal time series of sea ice type classification in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean retrieved from wide-swath Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Jozef Rusin,
Thomas Lavergne,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
K. Andrea Scott
Resolution Enhanced Sea Ice Concentration from Passive Microwave
Jozef Rusin,
Thomas Lavergne,
K. Andrea Scott,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Resolution Enhanced Sea Ice Concentration for AMSR2 Data
Anca Cristea,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Automatic detection of newly formed sea ice and lookalikes in the Barents Sea using Wide-Swath Synthetic Aperture Radar
Wenkai Guo,
Polona Itkin,
Suman Singha,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Malin Johansson,
Gunnar Spreen
TerraSAR-X ScanSAR texture-based sea ice classification
Wenkai Guo,
Polona Itkin,
Suman Singha,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Malin Johansson,
Gunnar Spreen
Sea ice classification of TerraSAR-X ScanSAR images for the MOSAiC expedition incorporating per-class incidence angle dependency of image texture
Qiang Wang,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft
Physics-Aware Training Data to Improve Machine Learning for Sea Ice Classification from Sentinel-1 SAR Scenes
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Nick Hughes
A comparison of Backscatter Intensity of Icebergs in C- and L-band SAR Imagery
Johannes Lohse,
Wolfgang Dierking,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Catherine Taelman
Towards combining C-and L-band SAR imagery for operational sea ice type classification
Laust Færch,
Thomas Kræmer,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Nick Hughes
Evaluation of iceberg detection limits from remote sensing data- An investigation around Negribreen
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Iceberg Detections with SAR at C-and L-band
Laust Færch,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Iceberg Detections at C- and L-band
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Suman Singha,
Polona Itkin,
Katalin Blix
Advancing information extraction on Arctic sea ice using a multi-sensor and multi-temporal integrated approach
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Vladimir A. Alexeev,
Maribeth S. Murray
Arctic Field Summer Schools: training and awareness in the Arctic
Sebastian Gerland,
Dmitry V Divine,
Wolfgang Fritz Otto Dierking,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Torbjørn Eltoft,
Malin Johansson
Use of in situ and airborne Arctic sea ice surveys for SAR satellite remote sensing application improvements
Suman Singha,
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using ALOS-2 Palsar-2 L-Band SAR Images
Johannes Lohse,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Wolfgang Dierking
Strategies for Automated Sea Ice Classification at CIRFA - Algorithm Development and Application Examples
Jill Young,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Technoecology: How does the era of new tools and ideas such as big data and remote sensing enable meaningful application of projects and research to conservation ecology?
Malin Johansson,
Eirik Malnes,
Sebastian Gerland,
Hannah Vickers,
Tom Rune Lauknes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
et al.:
28 years of fjord ice coverage in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard observed by satellite radar
Malin Johansson,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Camilla Brekke
Investigating the occurrence of newly formed sea ice in the Barents Sea using archived Sentinel-1 SAR data
Malin Johansson,
Sebastian Gerland,
Anca Cristea,
Eirik Malnes,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris,
Dmitry V Divine
et al.:
Sea ice and open water classification using historical multi-sensor synthetic aperture radar satellite datasets, applied to two Svalbard fjords
Anca Cristea,
Anthony Paul Doulgeris
Incidence angle dependencies in narrow-swath Quad-polarimetric SAR images