Ole Åsli
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Publications outside Cristin
Åsli O., Flaten M.A.(2012) In the Blink of an Eye: Investigating the Role of Awareness in Fear Responding by Measuring the Latency of Startle Potentiation. Brain Sciences 2(1), 61-84
Åsli O., & Flaten M.A. (2012). How fast is fear? Automatic and controlled processing in conditioned fear. J of Psychophysiology 26(1), 20-28
Lyby, P.S., Forsberg, J.T., Åsli, O., & Flaten, M.A. (2012) Induced fear reduces the effectiveness of a placebo intervention on pain. Pain 153, 1114-1121
Flaten M.A ., &. Åsli O. Det biologiske grunnlaget for psykologien. I Svartdal, F. (Red). (2011). Psykologi: En introduksjon. 2. utgave. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
Åsli O., Kulvedrøsten, S., Solbakken, L. E. & Flaten M.A. (2009) Fear potentiated startle at short intervals following conditioned stimulus onset during delay but not trace conditioning.Psychophysiology 46: 880-888
Åsli O., & Flaten M.A. (2008). Conditioned facilitation of the unconditioned reflex after classical eyeblink conditioning. Int J Psychophysiol 67:17-22
Flaten, M.A., Åsli, O., & Simonsen, T. (2006). The effect of stress on absorption of acetaminophen. Psychopharmacology, 185, 471-478
Flaten, M.A., Aasli, O., & Blumenthal, T.D. (2003). Expectancy and placebo responses to caffeine-associated stimuli. Psychopharmacology, 169, 198-204
Research interests
Emotions, learning, fear, conditioning, startle.