Bilde av Sharma, Pawan
Bilde av Sharma, Pawan
Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering +4776966391 004796651595 Narvik You can find me here

Pawan Sharma

Job description

Pawan Sharma received his Bachelor's degree from India. He completed his Master's degree in Energy Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Bhopal, Bhopal, India in 2008. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India in 2012.

Prior to his Master's degree, he worked as a Junior Engineer in power distribution company in India for two years from 2004 to 2006. He was a post-doctoral researcher from 2012 to 2013 at the University of Tromsø (UiT), The Arctic University of Norway, Narvik Campus.

Pawan Sharma is currently a faculty member at the Electro mechanical system, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, UiT Narvik in the electrical power engineering group. He is also a member of ARC.

He is working on the Editorial Board members in International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Designs (MDPI), Electrical Engineering (SRINGER) 
He is the author (co-author) of scientific publications in reputed international journals and conferences. He is a reviewer of various reputed journals including IEEE, Elsevier, etc. His citations have reached 1700. He is involved in few research funded projects. He is also involved in future funding applications. Please refer to the attached CV file for his education, past and current funded and applied projects.

Current teaching activities include the Power System and distributed generation courses for Master's Students.

His research interests include power system dynamics and control, distributed power generation, optimization methods, micro-grids, electric vehicles, and smart grids.


  • Raju Wagle, Le Nam Hai Pham, Gioacchino Tricarico, Pawan Sharma, Jose Luis Rueda, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Co-simulation-based optimal reactive power control in smart distribution network
    Electrical engineering (Berlin. Print) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Mohammad Amin, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Cyber-Physical Co-simulation Framework between Typhon HIL and OpenDSS for Real-Time Applications
    Springer 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Shwetank Agrawal, Barjeev Tyagi, Vishal Kumar, Pawan Sharma :
    Digital Controller Design and Implementation for AC and DC Side of 3ph qZSI
    IEEE transactions on industry applications 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Mohammad Amin :
    Real-Time Price-Based Optimal Energy Mix in Smart Distribution Network
    Springer Nature 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Le Nam Hai Pham, Gioacchino Tricarico, Pawan Sharma, Jose Luis Rueda, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Experiences in a Cyber-Physical Co-Simulation Testbed Development for a Smart-er Distribution Network
    IEEE conference proceedings 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Mohammad Amin :
    Optimal power flow based coordinated reactive and active power control to mitigate voltage violations in smart inverter enriched distribution network
    International Journal of Green Energy 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Mohammad Amin, Jose Luis Rueda, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Optimal power flow-based reactive power control in smart distribution network using real-time cyber-physical co-simulation framework
    IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Mohammad Amin, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Real-time Volt-Var control of grid forming converters in DER-enriched distribution network
    Frontiers in Energy Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Umesh Agarwal, Narendra Singh Rathore, Naveen Jain, Pawan Sharma, Ramesh C. Bansal, Mayur Chouhan et al.:
    Adaptable pathway to net zero carbon: A case study for Techno-Economic & Environmental assessment of Rooftop Solar PV System
    Energy Reports 2023 DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Gioacchino Tricarico, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, José Luis Rueda Torres, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt :
    Cyber-Physical Co-Simulation Testbed for Real-Time Reactive Power Control in Smart Distribution Network
    IEEE conference proceedings 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Shwetank Agrawal, Barjeev Tyagi, Vishal Kumar, Pawan Sharma :
    3ph qZSI Controller Design using PI for DC side and PR for AC side Controller including Droop Characteristic in standalone mode
    IEEE conference proceedings 2022 DOI
  • Arslan Hamid, Umer Sohail, Pawan Sharma, Isaac Kweku Aidoo :
    Intelligent Controller Technique for Reactive Power Control in an Isloated Micro-Grid
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022 DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN :
    Perturbation and Observer-Based Sliding-Mode Controller for Excitation control in Single-Machine Infinite Bus System
    IEEE conference proceedings 2021 DOI
  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Terje Gjengedal, CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN :
    Bio‐inspired hybrid BFOA‐PSO algorithm‐based reactive power controller in a standalone wind‐diesel power system
    International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Shwetank Agrawal, Barjeev Tyagi, Vishal Kumar, Pramod Agarwal, Pawan Sharma :
    A Simplified and Effective GMPP Tracking Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic System
    IEEE Xplore Digital Library 2019 DOI
  • Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma :
    Automatic reactive power compensation of an isolated wind-diesel hybrid grid
    IEEE conference proceedings 2018 OMTALE / DOI
  • Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma, Wondwosen Eshetu :
    ANFIS based load frequency control in an isolated micro grid
    IEEE conference proceedings 2018 OMTALE / DOI
  • Mahyar Shiraliyan, Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma :
    Automatic reactive power control of isolated wind–diesel hybrid power system using artificial bee colony and gray wolf optimization
    International Journal of Green Energy 2018 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Bjarte Hoff, Pawan Sharma, Trond Østrem :
    Thyristor based short circuit current injection in isolated grids
    IEEE conference proceedings 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Isaac Kweku Aidoo, Pawan Sharma, Bjarte Hoff :
    Optimal controllers designs for automatic reactive power Control in an isolated wind-diesel hybrid power system
    International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2016 DOI
  • Pawan Sharma :
    ANN based reactive power control of an autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power plant using PMIG and SG
    Curran Associates, Inc. 2014 DOI
  • Pawan Sharma, Waldemar Sulkowski, Bjarte Hoff :
    Dynamic Stability study of an isolated Wind-diesel hybrid Power system With Wind Power generation using IG, PMIG and PMSG: A comparison
    International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2013 DOI
  • Bjarte Hoff, Waldemar Sulkowski, Pawan Sharma :
    Cascaded Model Predictive Control of Voltage Source Inverter with Active Damped LCL Filter
    Curran Associates, Inc. 2013 DOI
  • Arslan Hamid, Umer Sohail, Pawan Sharma :
    Intelligent Controller Technique for Reactive Power Control in an Isloated Micro-Grid
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022
  • Pawan Sharma :
    Adaptable pathway to net zero carbon: A case study for Techno-Economic & Environmental Assessment of Rooftop Solar PV System in University Campus
    Energy Reports 2023 DOI
  • Pawan Sharma :
    Distributed Multi-objective Control of Hybrid Microgrid in Autonomous Mode
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2023 DOI
  • Pawan Sharma :
    Interlinking Converter Operation in Hybrid Microgrid As a Tie-line
  • Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma :
    Automatic reactive power compensation of an isolated wind-diesel hybrid grid
  • Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma :
    ANFIS based load frequency control in an isolated micro grid

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Google scholar citations:

    Total number of citations-1658


    1.       Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma, Terje Gjengedal, Chittaranjan Pradhan, “Bio‐inspired hybrid BFOA‐PSO algorithm‐based reactive power controller in a standalone wind‐diesel power system” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 31, Issue 3, 2021, Impact Factor-2.639.

    2.       Shiraliyan, Mahyar; Sharma, Pawan; Sharma, Charu. Automatic reactive power control of isolated wind–diesel hybrid power system using artificial bee colony and gray wolf optimization, International Journal of Green Energy 2018. 1 - 16. Impact Factor-3.206.

    3.       Isaac Kweku Aidoo, Pawan Sharma, Bjarte Hoff, “Optimal Controllers Designs for Automatic Reactive Power Control in an Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 81, 2016, pp. 387-404. Impact Factor-5.659

    4.       Pawan Sharma, Waldemar Sulkwoski, Bjarte Hoff, "Dynamic Stability Study of an Isolated WindDiesel Hybrid Power System with Wind Power Generation using IG, PMIG & PMSG: a Comparison”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 53, 2013, pp. 857-866.  Impact Factor-5.659

    5.       Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, “Performance Investigation of Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems with WECS having PMIG”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 1630-1637. Impact Factor-8.162

    6.       Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, “A review on electrochemical double- layer capacitors,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.51, 2010, pp. 2901-2912. Impact Factor-11.533

    7.       Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, and K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Performance of STATCOM in an Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System,” International Journal of Green Energy, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 163-172. Impact Factor-3.206

    8.       Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, and K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Study of an Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System with STATCOM by Incorporating a New Mathematical Model of PMIG,” European Transaction on Electrical Power, Vol. 22, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 351-363. Impact Factor-2.639.

    9.       Pawan Sharma, “Application of ultra-capacitors in an electric toy vehicle,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 9, Edition 2, 2009, pp. 95-100.                                     Impact Factor- 0.967.

    10.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Reactive power control of the isolated hybrid power systems with STATCOM,” Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JEEE), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010, pp. 191-196.

    11.    Pawan Sharma, Nitin Saxena, T. S. Bhatti, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Reactive Power Compensation of Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems with STATCOM and SVC,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,” Vol. 2, No. 3, 2010, pp. 192-203.

    12.    K. S. S. Ramakrishna, Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, “Automatic generation control of interconnected power system with diverse sources of power generation,” International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2010, pp. 51-65 .

    13.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Doubly-fed induction generators: an overview,”

    Journal of Electrical and  Electronics Engineering (JEEE), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010, pp. 189-194.

    14.    Pawan  Sharma,  “Transient  Stability  Investigations  of  the  Wind-Diesel  Hybrid  Power  Systems,”

    International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications, Vol.1, Issue1, 2010, pp. 49-63 .

    15.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, and K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Performance of a wind-diesel hybrid power system with STATCOM as a reactive power compensator”, Journal of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol.1, No.3, 2010, pp.153-159 .

    16.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, and K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Permanent-Magnet Induction Generators: an Overview,” Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 332-338.

    17.    Pawan Sharma, T.S. Bhatti, K.S.S. Ramakrishna, “Compensation of Reactive Power of Isolated Wind- Diesel Hybrid Power Systems,” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) : Series B (March – June 2012, Vol. 93, Issue1, pp. 1-6.

    18.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, and K. S. S. Ramakrishna “bibliographic review of PMSG and its applications in wind energy” Majesi Journal of Energy Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012.

    19.    Sreedevi P.R, Aparna Thampi, Pawan Sharma, Reactive Power Compensation of Hybrid System Having Induction Motor Load, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 3, Special Issue 5, December 2014, pp. 216-222.


    Book Chapters:

    1.       Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, etc  Cyber-Physical Co-simulation Framework between Typhon HIL and OpenDSS for Real-Time Applications, Book Chapter, Springer Nature, 2022, Accepted.
    2.       Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, etc  Real-Time Price Based Optimal Energy Mix in Smart Distribution Network Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Lectures Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022, Springer.


    1.       Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, etc, Co-simulation frameworks between Typhoon HIL and OpenDSS for Real-Time simulation, IEEE IEEE ISGT Asia 2022, Accepted.
    2.       S. Agrawal, B. Tyagi, V. Kumar, Pawan Sharma, Interlinking Converter Operation in Hybrid Microgrid as a Tie-Line, IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2022.
    3.       S. Agrawal, B. Tyagi, V. Kumar, Pawan Sharma, “3ph qZSI Controller Design using PI for DC side and PR for AC side Controller including Droop Characteristic in standalone mode” International conference on “Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2022)”.
    4.        Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma, Chittaranjan Pradhan, “Perturbation and Observer Based Sliding-Mode Controller for Excitation control in Single-Machine Infinite Bus System” Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2021.
    5.       Hamid, Pawan Sharma, Intelligent Controller Technique for Reactive Power Control in an Isolated Micro-Grid, 2019 Accepted, NORPIE, Norway.

    6.       Shwetank Agrawal, Barjeev Tyagi, Vishal Kumar, Pramod Agarwal and Pawan Sharma, “A Simplified and Effective GMPP Tracking Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic System, Accepted, 2019, 51th NAPS, USA.

    7.       Pawan Sharma , Charu Sharma, Automatic Reactive Power Compensation of an Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Grid, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) 2018, Lyon, France.

    8.       Wondwosen Eshetu, Pawan Sharma, Charu Sharma, ANFIS Based Load Frequency Control in an Isolated Micro Grid, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) 2018, Lyon, France.

    9.       Bjarte Hoff, Pawan Sharma and Trond Østrem, “Thyristor Based Short Circuit Current Injection in Isolated Grids,” ECCE 2016, USA.

    10.    Pawan Sharma, Bjarte Hoff, and Ramkesh Meena, “ANN based reactive power control of an autonomous wind diesel hybrid power plant using PMIG and SG” Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE), 2014, pp.1-6 .

    11.    Bjarte Hoff, Waldemar Sulkowski and Pawan Sharma, " Cascaded Model Predictive Control of Voltage Source Inverter with Active Damped LCL Filter", IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo, 2013 Colorado, USA, pp. 4119-4125 .

    12.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti , K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “ Control of Reactive Power of Autonomous Hybrid Power Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE PEDES, 2010, IIT Delhi, India .

    13.    Pawan Sharma, Nitin Saxena, T. S. Bhatti , “Study of an autonomous hybrid power system using STATCOM and SVC ,” IEEE PES conference Proceedings, 2009 ,pp.1-5 .

    14.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “Reactive Power Compensation of the Isolated Wind- Diesel Hybrid Power Systems using STATCOM,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy (ICARE-2010), MANIT, Bhopal, India,2010.

    15.    Pawan Sharma, “Study of an Ultra-capacitor Cell,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy (ICARE-2010), MANIT, Bhopal, India, 2010.

    16.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, “ Study of STATCOM in the Autonomous Wind- Diesel Hybrid Power System,” International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICRE) 2011, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.

    17.    Gaurav Goel, Pawan Sharma, “ Pick and Place Unit Controlled by PLC with SCADA Interface,” Accepted in International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICRE) 2011, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.

    18.    Ramkesh, Pawan Sharma, “Study of Power Management by using DEA,” Accepted in International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICRE) 2011, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.

    19.    Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, “STATCOM in an isolated wind-diesel hybrid power system”, Proceedings of the NCPES, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, 2011.

    20.    Gaurav  Goel,  Pawan  Sharma,  “Particle  swarm  optimization:  an  approach  inspired  by  nature,”Proceedings of the NCPES, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, 2011.

    21.    Pawan Sharma, K. S. S. Ramakrishna, T. S. Bhatti , “Autonomous hybrid power system using STATCOM

    22.    Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering,NIT, Hamirpur, India, 23rd December, 2009.

    23.    Sheeraz Kirmani, Pawan Sharma, T. S. Bhatti, “Optimal Placement of Capacitors for Radial Distribution Systems Using Heuristic Search Strategies,” Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, NIT, Hamirpur, India, 23rd December, 2009.

    24. Sheeraz Kirmani, Pawan Sharma, TS Bhatti, “Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems Using Fuzzy Technique,” ​​Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, NIT, Hamirpur, India, 23rd December, 2009.

    Research interests

    Power System Dynamics and Control, Distributed Power Generation and its Integration to Grid, Optimization Methods, Micro-Grids, Electric Vehicles, and Smart Grids.



    • Power System Fundamentals (10 credits), Department of Technology UiT, Narvik, Norway.
    • Distributed Generation and Micro grids: Role and Concepts, Department of Technology UiT, Narvik, Norway (5 credits), from 2019.
    • Special PhD Course on Distributed Energy Resources and its Integrations to Grid: Department of Technology UiT, Narvik, Norway (10 ECTS)

    Member of research group
