Maria Sydnes,
Anne Haugen Gausdal,
Ingrid Dahl Åssveen
Lean Production – One path to organizational Resilience?
Lise Lotte Evenseth,
Maria Sydnes,
Anne Haugen Gausdal
Building Organizational Resilience Through Organizational Learning: A Systematic Review
Frontiers in Communication 2022
Are K. Sydnes,
Maria Sydnes,
Helle Hamnevoll
Learning from crisis: the 2015 and 2017 avalanches in Longyearbyen.
Safety Science 27. October 2020
Maria Sydnes,
Are K. Sydnes
Oil spill response in the Arctic: the Norwegian-Russian experience.
Edward Elgar Publishing 2019
Are K. Sydnes,
Maria Sydnes,
yngve Antonsen
International Cooperation on Search and Rescue in the Arctic
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2017
Marit Skar,
Maria Sydnes,
Are K. Sydnes
Integrating unorganized volunteers in emergency response management: a case study.
International Journal of Emergency Services 2016
Alexei Bambulyak,
Are K. Sydnes,
Maria Sydnes
Oil-spill response in the Russian Arctic.
Edward Elgar Publishing 2015
Alexei Bambulyak,
Svetlana Golubeva,
Maria Sydnes,
Are K. Sydnes,
Lars-Henrik Larsen,
Vlada Streletskaya
Resource Management Regimes in the Barents Sea
Are K. Sydnes,
Maria Sydnes
Norwegian-Russian cooperation on oil-spill response in the Barents Sea
Maria Ivanova,
Are K. Sydnes
Oil spill emergency response in Norway: coordinating interorganizational complexity
Maria Ivanova
Oil spill emergency preparedness in the Russian Arctic: a study of the Murmansk region
Maria Ivanova,
Are K. Sydnes
Interorganizational coordination in oil spill emergency response: a case study of the Murmansk region of Northwest Russia
Polar Geography 2010
Maaike Knol-Kauffman,
Peter Arbo,
Jelmer Jeuring,
Malte Müller,
Cyril Palerme,
Maria Sydnes
et al.:
Arctic risk paradoxes: Understanding activity trends and safety in Svalbard waters
Odd Jarl Borch,
Natalia Andreassen,
Maria Sydnes,
Are K. Sydnes
Maritime preparedness systems in Norway
yngve Antonsen,
Agnar Holten Sivertsen,
Tom Grydeland,
Kjell-Sture Johansen,
Rune Storvold,
Andrew Rognmo-Hodge
et al.:
SARINOR WP 3 "SØK". (Norut rapport 11/2015)
Maria Sydnes,
Are K. Sydnes,
Alexei Bambulyak
A-LEX 2012: case study. Oil spill response
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2013
Maria Ivanova,
Are K. Sydnes
Oil spill emergency response in the Barents Sea: Cooperation between Norway and Russia