Bilde av Westendorp, Maud
Bilde av Westendorp, Maud
Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Language and Culture Tromsø You can find me here

Maud Westendorp

Job description

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Language, Brain and Learning (C-LaBL) where I work within the projects "Experimental approaches to Syntactic Optionality" (ExSynOp; PI Björn Lundquist) and "Multilectal Literacy in Education" (MultiLit; PI Øystein A. Vangsnes). My primary research interest is variation in the Nordic languages and dialects. In my PhD-dissertation (2022) I considered different ways the Verb Second rule breaks down in Norwegian (e.g., V3-triggering preverbal adverbs, non-V2 wh-questions, and embedded verb second). Find an overview of my work in my CV or on my website. During the academic year of 2024-2025 I will work as a guest researcher at the Institute for language and literature at NTNU Trondheim.

  • Ida Gunilla Larsson, Maud Westendorp :
    Nordic word order
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2024 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Verb placement variation in Swedish and Danish
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Variable verb second in Norwegian main and embedded clauses
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Maud Westendorp, Bjørn Lundquist :
    Tverrspråklig innflytelse fra L1 i tilegnelsen av argumentplassering i L2 norsk og svensk
    NLT - Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp, Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Code-switching alone cannot explain intraspeaker syntactic variability: Evidence from a spoken elicitation experiment
    Nordic Journal of Linguistics 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Verb placement in embedded sentences in Faroese
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2020 ARKIV / OMTALE / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Ida Larsson, Maud Westendorp, Eirik Tengesdal, Anders Nøklestad :
    Nordic Word Order Database: Motivations, methods, material and infrastructure
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Transparency and language acquisition of Scandinavian
    Linguistics in Amsterdam 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Maud Westendorp :
    New methodologies in the Nordic Syntax Database: word order variation in Norwegian wh-questions
    Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Marieke Olthof, Maud Westendorp, Jelke Bloem, Fred Weerman :
    Synchronic variation and diachronic change in Dutch two-verb clusters
    Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde 2017 DATA
  • Maud Westendorp, Göran Söderlund :
    Håndtering av leksikalsk koaktivering i bokmål og nynorsk
  • Anna Vinichenko, Maud Westendorp, Björn Lundquist :
    Mapping written and spoken varieties of Norwegian in the minds of Norwegian adolescents
  • Tina Louise Ringstad, Maud Westendorp, Björn Lundquist :
    "Æ villa ha fire vafla og så smurt på pappa tre". Om norske barns verbpartikkelplassering
  • Björn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp, Anna Vinichenko :
    Koblingen mellom muntlige og skriftlige varianter av norsk hos ungdommer fra ulike regioner
  • Anna Vinichenko, Maud Westendorp, Björn Lundquist :
    Mapping written and spoken varieties of Norwegian in the minds of Norwegian adolescents
  • Maud Westendorp, Björn Lundquist :
    A symmetric account of asymmetric V2
  • Maud Westendorp, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes :
    Two Nordic research infrastructures for syntactic variation: Results, limitations and a future perspective
  • Ragni Vik Johnsen, Carola Babette Kleemann, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Maud Westendorp :
    Nordlyd 2023 DOI
  • Maud Westendorp, Evelyn Bosma, Göran Söderlund :
    Managing lexical co-activation 
in closely related varieties of Norwegian: Examining the role of cognitive control with a conflict adaptation paradigm
  • Björn Lundquist, Anna Vinichenko, Maud Westendorp :
    Is Reading The Same As Translation In Young Multi-lectal Speakers?
  • Björn Lundquist, Anna Vinichenko, Maud Westendorp :
    Is reading the same as translation in young multi-lectal speakers?
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Non-V2 wh-questions and other V2-deviations in Norwegian: rethinking the North Germanic CP
  • Maud Westendorp, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes :
    Ordstillingsvariasjon i hv-spørsmål i sognemål: syntaktiske og prosodiske faktorer
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Språk og hjernen
  • Maud Westendorp :
    The distribution of main and embedded structures: V2 and non-V2 orders in North Germanic
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Maud Westendorp, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes :
    Ordstillingsvariasjon i ​hv-spørsmål i sognemål: ​syntaktiske og prosodiske faktorer
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Deviations from asymmetric V2 in Norwegian: code-switching or variable rules?
  • Maud Westendorp, Bjørn Lundquist :
    The presence of light objects affects variable verb and subject placement in North Germanic
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp :
    Object shift feeds variable verb and subject placement: implications for linearization and production planning
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Språkforskeren Maud (29) fra Nederland er nå landsdelens beste langdistanseløper
    11. February 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Ida Larsson, Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp, Anders Nøklestad, Eirik Tengesdal :
    The Nordic Word Order Database
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp :
    No transfer of word order, but transfer of factors conditioning word order: evidence from Dutch L2 learners of Norwegian and Swedish
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Ida Larsson, Maud Westendorp, Eirik Tengesdal :
    The Nordic Word Order Database: New methods for studying variation within and between speakers and varieties in North Germanic
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Embedded V2 in North Germanic: results from a production study
  • Maud Westendorp, Bjørn Lundquist :
    Embedded V2 in Faroese and Mainland Scandinavian: results from a production study
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Ida Larsson, Maud Westendorp, Eirik Tengesdal, Anders Nøklestad :
    Presenting the Nordic Word Order Database
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp :
    On the subtle and ephemeral effects effects of reflexives on verb and subject placement
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Embedded V2 in Faroese and Mainland Scandinavian
    2019 OMTALE
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Information structure and morphological complexity in the wh-questions of three Norwegian dialects
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Variation and change in Norwegian wh-questions
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Development and variation of non-V2 order in Norwegian wh-questions
  • Jelke Bloem, Marieke Olthof, Maud Westendorp :
    Synchronic variation and diachronic change in Dutch two-verb clusters
  • Marieke Olthof, Maud Westendorp, Jelke Bloem :
    Language change in the Corpus Gesproken Nederlands: An apparent-time study of verb cluster order
  • Maud Westendorp :
    Utvikling av og variasjon i ikke-V2 hv-spørsmål i norske dialekter

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


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