R. Diab,
Gregor Decristoforo,
S. Ahmed,
S.G. Baek,
Y. Lin,
E. Marmar
et al.:
The role of RF-induced E×B flows in the mitigation of scrape-off-layer convective transport during ion cyclotron resonance heating
Gregor Decristoforo,
Audun Theodorsen,
John Omotani,
Tom Nicholas,
Odd Erik Garcia
Numerical turbulence simulations of intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of magnetized plasmas
Physics of Plasmas 2021
Gregor Decristoforo,
Fulvio Militello,
Thomas Nicholas,
John Omotani,
Chris Marsden,
Nick Walkden
et al.:
Blob interactions in 2D scrape-off layer simulations
Physics of Plasmas 2020
Gregor Decristoforo,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Intermittent fluctuations due to Lorentzian pulses in turbulent thermal convection
Physics of Fluids 03. August 2020
Jörn Lukas Franz Dietze,
Gregor Decristoforo,
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth
The Research Software Engineering Group at UiT
Odd Erik Garcia,
Sajidah Akhter Bint Ahmed,
Synne Brynjulfsen,
Gregor Decristoforo,
Aurora Driveklepp Helgeland,
Juan Manuel Losada
et al.:
Turbulence and transport at the boundary of magnetically confined fusion plasmas