Bilde av Stålstrøm, Jannicke
Bilde av Stålstrøm, Jannicke
Associate professor- Sport science School of sport sciences +4777660239 Tromsø You can find me here

Jannicke Stålstrøm

Job description

Jannicke Stålstrøm OLY, is a three times Olympian in the sport of sailing who works as an Associate Professor at School of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway. Her late career after sport was completed at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. With a Ph. D in Philosophy (Education) on the topic Youth Olympic Games, She has also been involved in Olympic and Youth Olympic Games as a sailing coach for different nations.  As a late bloomer in research as of her two decades in Olympic sport her reserch involves  topics from sport science themes; Youth Olympic Games, Olympics, role models, athletes, coaching, culture/ cross culture, learning, and health & well-being.  To contact Jannicke Stålstrøm email: ORCID: 0000-0001-5818-8462

  • Jannicke Stålstrøm, Marina Iskhakova, Alex C. Gang, Pedersen Zack P. :
    The Youth Olympic Games Educational Program Through Experiential Learning Theory Lens
    The Sport journal 23. August 2024 ARKIV
  • Jannicke Stålstrøm, Marina Iskhakova, Zack. P Pedersen :
    Role Models and Athlete Expression at the Youth Olympic Games as Impactful Sport Communication Practices
    International Journal of Sport Communication 20. April 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jannicke Stålstrøm :
    A Ph. D Life Balance
  • Kim Arne Heitmann, Jannicke Stålstrøm, Andrea Jennerwein :
    Forskningsdagene: Kroppens energikamp
    2023 DATA
  • Jannicke Stålstrøm :
    The Influence of the Youth Olympic Games Education Program on Athletes: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Edvard Hamnvik Sagelv, Sigurd Pedersen, Kim Arne Heitmann, Tord Hammer, Andreas Kjæreng Winther, Boye Welde et al.:
    Stand Idrettshøgkolen, Helsefak

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Topics from sport science themes; Youth Olympic Games, Olympics, role models, athletes, coaching, culture/ cross cultural, learning, and healt & well being.


    IDR-2351. Coaches role in a profession perspective 10 ECTS.

    IDR-1430. Sports 2 10 ECTS.

    IDR-2241. Academic specialization 10 ECTS.

    IDR-2250. Bachelor and Research Methods 20 ECTS.

    IDR-1141. Sports Education and Sports Psychology 10 ECTS.

    IDR-1321. Sports 1 20 ECTS.