Troy Saghaug Broderstad
Job description
Troy Saghaug Broderstad is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
His research focuses on Norwegian and international political behavior, with a particular emphasis on political representation, elections, voter behavior, and the legitimacy of political decisions.
Broderstad teaches statistics, research methods, and European and Norwegian politics. He has held research stays at Harvard University and Aarhus University.
His research has been published in renowned scholarly journals, including European Union Politics, Regional and Federal Studies, Political Research Quarterly, Democratization, and Political Studies.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
Troy Saghaug Broderstad conducts research in comparative politics, with a particular focus on political representation, voter behavior, and democratic legitimacy. He is interested in how the relationship between voters and politicians unfolds in representative democracies, and how various mechanisms—such as elections, referendums, and decision-making processes in political institutions—influence political outcomes.
Among other topics, he has examined how politicians respond to referendum results when faced with voters’ preferences. He has also studied how political parties and government compositions affect voter satisfaction with democracy, as well as how economic factors influence democratic development. His research covers both Norwegian and international contexts, and he has published studies on topics such as local elections, income inequality, and democratic stability in renowned
- Comparative politics
- Representation
- Voter behaviour
- Elite behaviour
- Quantiative methods
- Comparative politics (STV-1003)
- Quantitative methods (SVF-1050/1051, SVF-2050, SVF-3004, SVF-3044)
Member of research group
2022 Ph.D.: Dep. of comparative politics, Uni. of Bergen - Norway
2017 Master: Dep. of comparative politics, Uni. of Bergen - Norway
Positions - current and previous
2023-present in comparative politics, UiT – The Arctic uni. of Norway
2023-2025 Researcher III (20 %) – NORCE, Norway
2022-2023 Researcher III – NORCE, Norway
2021-2022 Researcher – Uni. of Bergen, Norway
2017-2021 PhD Fellow – Uni. of Bergen, Norway