Mariana Esteves,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow
Chapter 13 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms during main deglaciation (18.9–14.6 ka)
Lis Allaart,
Henry Patton,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 50 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.7 ka)
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial (14.6–12.9 ka)
Calvin Shackleton,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves,
Lilja Rùn Bjarnadòttir,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Distinct modes of meltwater drainage and landform development beneath the last Barents Sea ice sheet
Frontiers in Earth Science 2023
Hans Petter Sejrup,
Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen,
Henry Patton,
Mariana Esteves,
Monica Winsborrow,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
et al.:
The role of ocean and atmospheric dynamics in the marine-based collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
Communications Earth & Environment 2022
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Jared Patton,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 8 - The Eurasian Arctic
Henry Jared Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 51 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Last Glacial Maximum
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Jared Patton,
Mariana Esteves,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou
Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (before 29 ka)
Karsten Gohl,
Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben,
Johanna Gille-Petzoldt,
Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand,
Johann P. Klages,
Steven M. Bohaty
et al.:
Evidence for a Highly Dynamic West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Pliocene
Geophysical Research Letters 2021
Karsten Gohl,
Julia S. Wellner,
Adam Klaus,
Thorsten Bauersachs,
Steven M. Bohaty,
Margot Courtillat
et al.:
Development and sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet tested from drill records of the Amundsen Sea Embayment
International Ocean Discovery Program 2019
Calvin Shackleton,
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Monica Winsborrow,
Jonathan Kingslake,
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves
et al.:
Subglacial water storage and drainage beneath the Fennoscandian and
Barents Sea ice sheets
Quaternary Science Reviews 2018
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Monica Winsborrow,
Calvin Shackleton,
Karin Andreassen
Retreat patterns and dynamics of the Sentralbankrenna glacial system,
central Barents Sea
Quaternary Science Reviews 2017
Jan Höper,
Jemma Louise Wadham,
Philipp Spitzer,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow,
Martin Gröger,
Heck Volker
et al.:
GlacierXperience meets METALLICA - Økt studiekvalitet igjennom faglig og didaktisk samarbeid på tvers av fakulteter
Sarah Louise Tingey,
Mariana Da Silveira Ramos Esteves
METALLICA: MEltwater release of heavy meTALs from gLacIer to ocean in a Changing Arctic
Henry Jared Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Jakob Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Arjen P Stroeven
et al.:
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion and meltwater beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Mariana Da Silveira Ramos Esteves
AKMA-OceanSenses Expedition receives endorsement from UN Ocean Decade
Mariana Esteves
CAGE Invites Conference on the Changing Arctic: Ocean, Ice, and Climate
Mariana Esteves
CAGE scientists will lead the newly funded Norwegian Centre of Excellence for Outstanding Research at UiT: Centre for ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3)
Mariana Esteves
Methane leaks in the Arctic – How do they affect the climate and environment?
Mariana Esteves
Muhammed Fatih Sert will defend thesis on “Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in Arctic Ocean waters charged with methane”
Mariana Esteves
Welcome aboard our virtual research cruise!
Mariana Esteves,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Formidling av forskning i CAGE
Mariana Esteves
The incredible power of the ice that sculpted Europe’s landscape
Mariana Esteves
Methane emissions in the Arctic diversify the diets of marine ecosystems living in productive shallow-marine areas
Mariana Esteves
Methane in a changing Arctic: the final international CAGE conference
Mariana Esteves
New state-of-the-art technology collects a unique time series from methane seeps in the Arctic
Mariana Esteves
Knut Ola Dølven defends thesis on “Measuring Methane in the Arctic Ocean – From legal framework to time series analysis via technology innovation “
Mariana Esteves
Warmer bottom water temperatures increased methane seepage in the NW Barents Sea
Mariana Esteves
Katarzyna Melaniuk defends thesis on ‘Assessing the relationship between living benthic foraminifera and methane emissions in the Arctic Ocean’
Mariana Esteves
Vincent Carrier defends thesis on “Microbial community structure associated to Arctic cold seeps”
Maja Sojtaric,
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves
Methane nibbling bacteria are more active during summer
Mariana Esteves
Geochemical measurements using the CAGE Mass Spectrometer contributes to high impact climate research
Mariana Esteves
Naima El Bani Altuna defends thesis on millennial-scale variability of the Atlantic water inflow in the Nordic Seas and the Barents Sea
Monica Winsborrow,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Vincent Carrier,
Mariana Esteves,
Clea Fabian,
Andre Jensen
et al.:
Cage21-6 Cruise report. Hydrocarbon leakage in Hopendjupet, central Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Hans Petter Sejrup,
Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen,
Mariana Esteves,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen
et al.:
Disintegration of the marine based parts of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Calvin Shackleton,
Monica Winsborrow,
S. J. Livingstone,
Denise Christina Rüther,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir
et al.:
Investigating palaeo-subglacial lakes in the central Barents Sea
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves
Glacial History of the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, to be recovered in IODP Drill Cores
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Monica Winsborrow
Collapse of a marine-based ice sheet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Calvin Shackleton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir
Investigating palaeo-subglacial lakes in the central Barents Sea
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves
Retreat patterns and dynamics of the Sentralbankrenna Ice Stream, Central Barents Sea
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen
Deglaciation of the Sentralbankrenna Ice Stream in the Central Barents Sea
Calvin Shackleton,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Karin Andreassen
Subglacial hydraulic conditions of the former Barents Sea Ice Sheet inferred from meltwater landforms
Calvin Shackleton,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Karin Andreassen
Subglacial hydraulic conditions of the former Barents Sea Ice Sheet inferred from meltwater landforms
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Denise Christina Rüther,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen
Potential subglacial basins in the Central Barents Sea; implications on the dynamics and retreat patterns of Sentralbanken
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
DC Ruther,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen
Potential subglacial basins in the Central Barents Sea; implications on the dynamics and retreat patterns of Sentralbankrenna
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen,
Mariana da Silveira Ramos Esteves,
Calvin Shackleton
The influence of subglacial hydrology on glacial dynamics