Bilde av Haugland-Grange, Marius
Photo: Christian Halvorsen
Bilde av Haugland-Grange, Marius
Associate Professor, Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Department of Chemistry +4777645234 Tromsø You can find me here

Marius Haugland-Grange

Job description

Research and teaching in organic chemistry.

  • Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Anna-Luisa Warnke, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Susann Skagseth, David B. Cordes, Janet E. Lovett et al.:
    Spirocyclic Pyrrolidinyl Nitroxides with Exo-Methylene Substituents
    ChemPlusChem 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maarten Beerepoot, Juho Aleksi Kosonen, Marius Haugland-Grange :
    Weekly Cumulative Quizzes in Organic Chemistry
    Journal of Chemical Education 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mateusz Sowinski, Sahil Gahlawat, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Anna-Luisa Warnke, Kathrin Helen Hopmann, Janet E. Lovett et al.:
    Conformational tuning improves the stability of spirocyclic nitroxides with long paramagnetic relaxation times
    Communications chemistry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Radical Group Transfer of Vinyl and Alkynyl Silanes Driven by Photoredox Catalysis
    Journal of Organic Chemistry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jonathan Hira, Md Jalal Uddin, Marius Myreng Haugland, Christian Stephan Lentz :
    From Differential Stains to Next Generation Physiology: Chemical Probes to Visualize Bacterial Cell Structure and Physiology
    Molecules 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Jan Fredrik Frantzen :
    «Krydrer» antibiotika for å lure bakteriene 2024
  • Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Elena M. Mocanu, David B. Cordes, Janet Eleanor Lovett, Marius Haugland-Grange :
    Pericyclic reactions as tools for preparation of rigid nitroxide spin labels
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Haugland-Grange :
    Overall redox-neutral intramolecular Si-to-C radical atom transfer of alkynes and alkenes
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Anna-Luisa Warnke :
    Radical stability enhancement through conformational tuning
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Anna-Luisa Warnke, Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere :
    Radical stability enhancement through conformational tuning
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Mateusz Sowinski, Lena Seuthe :
    Forskningsdahene 2023 - Skoleturne Øst-Finnmark "Organiske batterier - Kan framtidens batterier være miljøvennlige?"
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Lena Seuthe, Ellen Kathrine Bludd :
    Tenk om vi kunne løse flere verdensproblemer på en gang 2023
  • Stian Rølvaag Martinsen, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    A dual-headed linker for antibiotic conjugation
  • Jørn Hedløy Hansen, Annette Bayer, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Enhanced teaching and learning outcomes from restructuring a basic organic chemistry course
    Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Radical group transfer reactions of vinyl and alkynyl silanes driven by photoredox catalysis
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Photoredox catalyzed radical alkene chain-transfer
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Late-stage functionalization for antibiotic conjugation
  • Anna-Luisa Warnke, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Electrophysiological Investigations of Synthetic Planar Lipid Bilayers
  • Anna-Luisa Warnke, Bhupender Singh, Christian Stephan Lentz, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Synthesis of fluorescently labeled aminoglycoside antibiotics
  • Floriane Sandrine Isabelle Baussiere, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Radical group transfer reactions of vinyl and alkynyl silanes driven by photoredox catalysis
  • Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Sahil Gahlawat, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Anna-Luisa Warnke, Kathrin Helen Hopmann, Marius Myreng Haugland et al.:
    Conformational tuning improves the stability of spirocyclic nitroxides with long paramagnetic relaxation times
  • Anna-Luisa Warnke, Mateusz Piotr Sowinski, Sahil Gahlawat, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Kathrin Helen Hopmann, Janet E. Lovett et al.:
    Conformational tuning improves the stability of spirocyclic nitroxides with long paramagnetic relaxation times
  • Floriane Baussière, Marius Myreng Haugland :
    Can we rescue antibiotics from bacterial resistance? Developing a new late-stage functionalization method for antibiotic conjugation
  • Marius Myreng Haugland, Vassilia Partali :
    Synthesis of a Novel Tocopherol/Carotenoid Derivative

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Amaral, M.; Asiki, H.; Sear, C. E.; Singh, S.; Pieper, P.; Haugland, M. M.; Anderson, E. A.; Tempone, A. G. Biological activity and structure-activity relationship of dehydrodieugenol B analogues against visceral leishmaniasis. RSC Med. Chem. 2023, 14, 1344–1350.

    McNamee, R. E.; Haugland, M. M.; Nugent, J.; Chan, R.; Christensen, K. E.; Anderson, E. A. Synthesis of 1,3-disubstituted bicyclo[1.1.0]butanes via direct bridgehead functionalization. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 7480–7485.

    Sear, C. E.; Pieper, P.; Amaral, M.; Romanelli, M. M.; Costa-Silva, T. A.; Haugland, M. M.; Tate, J. A.; Lago, J. H. G.; Tempone, A. G.; Anderson, E. A. Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationship of Dehydrodieugenol B Neolignans against Trypanosoma cruzi. ACS Infect. Dis. 2020, 6, 2872–2878.

    Hardwick, J. S.; Haugland, M. M.; El-Sagheer, A. H.; Ptchelkine, D.; Beierlein, F. R.; Lane, A. N.; Brown, T.; Lovett, J. E.; Anderson, E. A. 2′-Alkynyl spin-labelling is a minimally perturbing tool for DNA structural analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020, 48, 2830-2840.

    Haugland, M. M.; Borsley, S.; Cairns-Gibson, D. F.; Elmi, A.; Cockroft, S. L. Synthetically Diversified Protein Nanopores: Resolving Click Reaction Mechanisms. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4101-4110.

    Borsley, S.; Haugland, M. M.; Oldknow, S.; Cooper, J. A.; Burke, M. J.; Scott, A.; Grantham, W.; Vallejo, J.; Brechin, E. K.; Lusby, P. J.; Cockroft, S. L. Electrostatic Forces in Field-Perturbed Equilibria: Nanopore Analysis of Cage Complexes. Chem 2019, 5, 1275-1292.

    Haugland, M. M.; Lovett, J. E.; Anderson, E. A. Advances in the synthesis of nitroxide radicals for use in biomolecule spin labelling. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2018, 47, 668-680.

    Haugland, M. M.; Anderson, E. A.; Lovett, J. E. Tuning the properties of nitroxide spin labels for use in electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy through chemical modification of the nitroxide framework. In Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Volume 25, The Royal Society of Chemistry: 2017; pp 1-34.

    Haugland, M. M.; El-Sagheer, A. H.; Porter, R. J.; Peña, J.; Brown, T.; Anderson, E. A.; Lovett, J. E. 2′-Alkynylnucleotides: A Sequence- and Spin Label-Flexible Strategy for EPR Spectroscopy in DNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 9069-9072.

    Research interests

    I have wide-ranging interests within the fields of organic chemistry and chemical biology, amongst other things in stable radicals (molecules containing unpaired electrons). Another focus is the development of new antibiotics and methods to counteract antibacterial resistance. I am also interested in studies and chemical modification of transmembrane proteins, in particular proteins which are relevant to antibacterial resistance. I'm a member of the Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies (CANS) at UiT.

    For more information about my research, please see the website of my research group.


    KJE-1002 Organic chemistry

    Member of research group


    2020–: Associate professor, Department of Chemistry and Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies (CANS), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
    2019–2020: Postdoc with Prof. Edward Anderson at the University of Oxford, UK
    2018: Postdoc with Prof. Alison Hulme at the University of Edinburgh, UK
    2017–2018: Postdoc with Prof. Scott Cockroft at the University of Edinburgh, UK
    2016–2017: Postdoc with Prof. Edward Anderson at the University of Oxford, UK

    2012–2016: DPhil under the supervision of Prof. Edward Anderson, at St Peter's College, University of Oxford, UK
    2010–2012: MSc in Organic Chemistry from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Master's project under the supervision of Prof. Vassilia Partali
    2007–2010: BSc in Chemistry from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway