Roopam Bamal

I like UiT because here, i have independence to
explore on my own and my supervisors encourage it rather than making me work
according to what they want.

Bilde av Roopam Bamal
Roopam Bamal Foto: private


Name: Roopam Bamal Campus: Tromsø

At which university did you complete your bachelor and master’s degree?

Bachelor’s degree: Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana,
Master’s degree: Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala-14001,
Punjab, India.

Would you say you were always interested in pursuing a career in research/computer

Yes, I am very passionate about research.

How did you hear about the PhD position at UiT, and what inspired you to apply for it?

I saw advertisement on I applied because the project is very
interesting, a great step towards saving environment. Also, I will get to learn from
such renowned supervisors.

How would you compare UiT to other universities? How do you find the work load, the
programming skills?

Every university has its own style. I like UiT because here, i have independence to
explore on my own and my supervisors encourage it rather than making me work
according to what they want. Work load is overwhelming sometimes with
responsibilities of TA but I have learn to manage things better with time. Working
here is surely sharpening my programming skills especially because of being TA.
All students code in different manner and on different platforms, accessing them,
finding their mistakes have improved my own skills as well.

How would you describe your job?

My job is create something novel and user friendly to help humankind with the
chance to be part in helping students and learning on daily basis.

As a research fellow, how would you describe your workday? (Is it mostly writing
kode/writing articles/labwork etc).

Work depends upon the task of each day, some days are solely dedicated towards
coding, some days are trying to get hardware working in the lab for the project,
some days are for writing articles and meetings, some days are helping or accessing
students with their assignments and labs.

How would you describe the transition from student to a PhD research fellow?

My transition was smooth because of great team and better supervisors.
Which part of the job do you find most interesting and which part is most challenging?
Research is most interesting part of my job and time management for various tasks
is most challenging.

What would you say to anyone that might be considering applying for a PhD position?

If you are interested in making your bit of contribution to your field and enjoy
experimenting, PhD is your way to do it.

Opprettet: 31.01.2020 Endret: 28.11.2024

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