Research topics for GENI Applied Research Projects and Theses

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Students completing the Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous areas (GENI) master's program are encouraged to combine the research for their Applied Research Projects with their theses. The Applied Research Project (ARP) is an example of “service learning” that allows students to put their research, writing and policy development skills into practice, for the mutual benefit of scholarship and local institutions.

Potential Topics

The following are potential host/topic combinations in specialized research areas that we would be happy to see students pursue.

Duodji governance Small businesses in Sápmi Sámi tourism
  • Complete an applied research project with the Sámi Council to assist with their project on the Duodji Mark.
  • Write a thesis on the development, usage, and impact of the Duodji Mark, potentially comparing with Indigenous handicraft governance elsewhere in the world.
  • Fluency in Norwegian or Sámi recommended
  • Knowledge of law or duodji an asset
  • Complete an applied research project with the Sámediggi, investigating the effectiveness of “enkeltpersonforetak” businesses in Norwegian Sápmi.
  • Write a thesis on the potential and challenges for the socially sustainable commercialization of Sámi culture by small entrepreneurs.
  • Fluency in Norwegian or Sámi required
  • Complete an applied research project with the Sámediggi, investigating the variety of Sámi-led tourism businesses.
  • Write a thesis investigating the common values of the Sámi tourism industry.
  • Fluency in Norwegian or Sámi required
Indigenous land management
 Arctic Council Work Group
  • Complete an applied research project with the Finnmark Estate (FeFo), comparing the Finnmark Act with Indigenous land and resource management systems in Canada or Alaska.
  • Write a thesis investigating Indigenous land and resource management
  • Fluency in Norwegian or Sámi beneficial, but not required
  • Complete an applied research project for the Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat, synthesizing a major assessment and researching its relevance to an Indigenous community
  • Write a thesis examining the inclusion of Traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Council or one of its work groups
  • Fluency in Russian beneficial, but not required

Applicants to the program who are interested in the above topics are encouraged to note it in their statements of research interest. Please see the program description and frequently asked questions for more details including general admission requirements.

Past topics

For examples of completed GENI theses, please visit the Munin Open Research Archive.

 Examples of completed Applied Research Projects competed at UiT include:
  • “A compilation and analysis of Truth and Reconciliation commissions in the North – Canada, Norway, and Greenland.” Host: Truth Commission for the Sami People (Sweden)
  • “Youth and Political Participation: Examine the Extent to Which Young People From National Minority Groups Participate Politically in Norway.” Host: Department of Indigenous and National Minority Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development,
  • “A Comparison Between Swedish and Finnish Implementation of the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Forestry Strategy,” Host: Saami Council
  • “What motivates an Enkeltpersonforetak (ENK) to transition into an Aksjesleskap (AS) A study on the experiences and obstacles Norwegian businesses face when transitioning business form.” Host: Sápmi Næringshage
  • "Bridging the gap: Perspectives of effective communication between the European Union and non - state actors with a special focus on the Sámi." Host: Saami Council
  • "A knowledge synthesis on resilience: the case study of Margarinfabrikkin in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands." Host: Margarinfabrikkin (Youth Club), Tórshavn
  • "Knowledge Synthesis of PAME’s Reports on Arctic Marine Tourism Regarding their Relevance for Inuit Communities in Greenland." Hosts: Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat & Inuit Circumpolar Council Greenland
  • "Administering digital education in rural and remote education: A comparison of best practices in Canada and Norway." Host: Oppvekstetaten, Lurøy Municipality
  • "Knowledge Synthesis of PAME’s Reports Regarding their Relevance for Sámi Communities: 'Underwater Noise Pollution from Shipping in the Arctic' and 'Arctic Marine Tourism Project: Passenger Vessel Trends in the Arctic Region (2013-2019).'" Hosts: Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat & Saami Council
  • "Economic Effects of International Cruise Ship Tourists Visiting Tromsø." Host: Tromsø Municipality
  • "Environmentally sustainable tourism in Måsøy: Recommendations for stimulating environmentally sustainable tourism." Host: Måsøy Municipality
  • "Sami Cultural Excursions on Hurtigruten Voyage." Host: Davvi Siida
  • "Mind the Gap: Sami tourism management in the Laponia World Heritage." Hosts: Laponiatjuottjudus & Sámiid Riikkasearvi
  • "Policy Assessment of Greenlandic Government's Agriculture." Host: Upernaviarsuk Experimental Farm, Greenland
  • "Conducting social scientific fieldwork in Northwest Russia: A mini ethics primer." Host: Norwegian Barents Secretariat
  • "The Finnmark Estate: A Land Management Body with a Mandate for Cultural Rights." Host: Finnmark Estate
  • "One Fish Today – Five Tomrmorrow?" Host:
  • "Finnmark County and Environmental Protection." Host: Office of the Finnmark County Governor, Dept. of Environmental Affairs

Page administrator: Jonathan Crossen
Last updated: 14.12.2023