Juan Manuel Losada,
Olga Paikina,
Odd Erik Garcia
Stochastic modeling of blob-like plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer: Correlated amplitudes and velocities
Juan Manuel Losada,
Aurora Driveklepp Helgeland,
J.L. Terry,
Odd Erik Garcia
A three-point velocity estimation method for two-dimensional coarse-grained imaging data
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Stochastic modeling of blob-like plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer: Theoretical foundation
Juan Manuel Losada,
Arne Brataas,
Alireza Qaiumzadeh
Ultrafast control of spin interactions in honeycomb antiferromagnetic insulators
Physical review B (PRB) 2019
Olga Paikina,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen,
Odd Erik Garcia
Large-amplitude fluctuations and flattened profiles in the scrape-off layer due to radial motion of blob-like plasma filaments
Odd Erik Garcia,
Olga Paikina,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Audun Theodorsen
Stochastic modelling of blob-like plasma filaments and flattened profiles in the scrape-off layer
Odd Erik Garcia,
Aurora Driveklepp Helgeland,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Adam Kuang,
Brian LaBombard,
James L. Terry
Blob motion and flattened far-SOL profiles in Alcator C-Mod
Odd Erik Garcia,
Sajidah Akhter Bint Ahmed,
Synne Brynjulfsen,
Gregor Decristoforo,
Aurora Driveklepp Helgeland,
Juan Manuel Losada
et al.:
Turbulence and transport at the boundary of magnetically confined fusion plasmas
Odd Erik Garcia,
Juan Manuel Losada,
Olga Paikina,
Audun Theodorsen
Stochastic modelling of blob-like filaments in the scrape-off layer