Bilde av Kleiven, Stian K.
Bilde av Kleiven, Stian K.
PhD-fellow Department of Technology and Safety +4777660361 Harstad You can find me here

Stian K. Kleiven

Job description

I am working with how indirect effects of climate change can impact the marine ecosystem and the aquaculture industry in Northern Norway.

  • Stian Kleiven, Arve Lynghammar :
    Unexpected feeding behaviour inferred by DNA metabarcoding of Barents Sea skates
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Arctic marine ecology.

    Marine biodiversity.

    Climate change impacts.

    Climate change adaptation strategies.




    SIK-2503 Miljø og sårbarhet.

    SIK-2514 Climate Change Adaptation.



    2023-2027 PhD in Science

    2020-2022 Master's in Arctic marine ecology

    2017-2020 Bachelor's in biology, climate and environment


    Work experience:

    2023-2023 Engineer for the Institute of Marine Research

    2020-2023 Scientific assistant for UiT


    Volunteer experience:

    2023-2027 Changing Arctic Research School

    2023-2027 Climate Change Adaptation Research Group

    2020-2023 Research Group Genetics

    2020-2022 Deepwater and cartilaginous fish

    2022-2022 Ecotip