T.G. Cameron,
R.A.D. Fiori,
G.W. Perry,
Andres Spicher,
T. Thayaparan
Statistical Analysis of Off-Great Circle Radio Wave Propagation in the Polar Cap
Andreas Kvammen,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
NOIRE-Net–a convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2024
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik
On the strength of E and F region irregularities for GNSS scintillation in the dayside polar ionosphere
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2024
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Anthea J. Coster,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert
et al.:
The Growth and Decay of Intense GNSS Amplitude and Phase Scintillation During Non-Storm Conditions
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
On the Identification of the Dayside Auroral Region Using Incoherent Scatter Radar
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
Lisa Marie Buschmann,
Lasse Clausen,
Andres Spicher,
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch
Statistical Studies of Plasma Structuring in the Auroral Ionosphere by the Swarm Satellites
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
Yaqi Jin,
Jøran Idar Moen,
Andres Spicher,
Jianjun Liu,
Lasse Clausen,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch
Ionospheric Flow Vortex Induced by the Sudden Decrease in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2023
Johann Immanuel Stamm,
Juha Vierinen,
Bjorn Johan Gustavsson,
Andres Spicher
A technique for volumetric incoherent scatter radar analysis
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Adam Lozinsky,
Jean-Pierre St-Maurice,
Andres Spicher,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Glenn C. Hussey
et al.:
The Distribution of Small-Scale Irregularities in the E-Region, and Its Tendency to Match the Spectrum of Field-Aligned Current Structures in the F-Region
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2023
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Jean-Pierre St‐Maurice,
Glenn C. Hussey,
Andres Spicher,
Yaqi Jin,
Adam Lozinsky
et al.:
Measuring small-scale plasma irregularities in the high-latitude E- and F-regions simultaneously
Lisa Marie Buschmann,
John W. Bonnell,
Scott Bounds,
Lasse Clausen,
Craig Kletzing,
Sigvald Marholm
et al.:
The role of particle precipitation on plasma structuring at different altitudes by in-situ measurements
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 2023
Lisa Baddeley,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Stein Egil Haaland,
Erkka Petteri Heino,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch
et al.:
Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar cap boundary region
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Yaqi Jin,
Andres Spicher,
Jean-Pierre St-Maurice,
Jaeheung Park,
Daniel Billett
GNSS Scintillations in the Cusp, and the Role of Precipitating Particle Energy Fluxes
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2023
Shun-Rong Zhang,
Yukitoshi Nishimura,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Larry R. Lyons,
Delores J. Knipp,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Simultaneous Global Ionospheric Disturbances Associated With Penetration Electric Fields During Intense and Minor Solar and Geomagnetic Disturbances
Geophysical Research Letters 2023
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Jorge L. Chau,
Andres Spicher,
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Matthias Clahsen,
Ralph Latteck
et al.:
Investigating Spatial and Temporal Structuring of E-Region Coherent Scattering Regions Over Northern Norway
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2023
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Sveinung viggo Olsen,
Yngve Eilertsen,
Adrien Pineau,
Sabina Strmic Palinkas,
Tinna Líf Gunnarsdóttir
et al.:
Steffen Mattias Brask,
Sigvald Marholm,
Francesca Di Mare,
Sayan Adhikari,
Andres Spicher,
T. Takahashi
et al.:
Electron-neutral collisions effects on Langmuir probe in the lower E-region ionosphere
Andres Spicher,
James LaBelle,
John W. Bonnell,
Roger Roglans,
Chrystal Moser,
Stephen A. Fuselier
et al.:
Interferometric Study of Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities in Regions of Phase Scintillations and HF Backscatter
Geophysical Research Letters 2022
Shun-Rong Zhang,
Juha Vierinen,
Ercha Aa,
Larisa P. Goncharenko,
Philip J. Erickson,
William Rideout
et al.:
2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption Induced Global Propagation of Ionospheric Disturbances via Lamb Waves
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik
Source regions of irregularities causing GNSS radio scintillation: An investigation using EISCAT
Andres Spicher,
Theresa Rexer,
Andreas Kvammen,
Mahith Madhanakumar,
M. Zettergren,
Kjellmar Oksavik
et al.:
Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Carley J Martin
et al.:
The progress and decay of GNSS scintillation during a weak
geomagnetic storm: A case study
Yaqi Jin,
Andres Spicher,
Hans Laszlo Pecseli,
Lasse Clausen,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch,
Knut Stanley Jacobsen
et al.:
In-situ observations of plasma blob inside the nightside auroral region and features of small-scale irregularities
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik
Multi-instrument study of dayside scintillation at GNSS L-band frequencies
Andreas Kvammen,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
NOIRE-Net - A convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew David Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew David Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Formation and evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Arctic Ionosphere
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Andres Spicher,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
Identification and characterization of the dayside ionospheric low energy precipitation region based on ISR measurements
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Theresa Rexer,
Ingemar Häggstrøm,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
On the characteristics of meso-scale ionospheric dynamics based on EISCAT radar low-elevation experiments
Etienne Gavazzi,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
James H. Clemmons,
Robert F. Pfaff,
Douglas E. Rowland
Time-dependent electron transport calculations of small-scale dynamic precipitation
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
M. Zettergren,
Roger Roglans,
John W Bonnell,
James LaBelle
et al.:
Characterizing ionospheric turbulence on the poleward side of the cusp using sounding rocket observations and modelling work
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Anthea J. Coster,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert
et al.:
On the asymmetry between scintillation intensity in the pre-noon and post-noon sectors
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Andres Spicher,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
On the Dynamics and IMF Effects in the Dayside Ionospheric Region Based on ISR Measurements
Mahith Madhanakumar,
Andres Spicher,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Anthea J. Coster,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert
et al.:
On the asymmetry between scintillation intensity in the pre-noon and post-noon sectors
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Yaqi Jin,
Andres Spicher
What are the dominant causes of density irregularities in the ionospheric cusp
Etienne Gavazzi,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
James H. Clemmons,
Robert F. Pfaff,
Douglas E. Rowland
Combining Time-Dependent Electron Transport Calculations with Rocket Measurements to Study Small-Scale Dynamic Precipitation
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew David Zettergren,
John W. Bonnell,
Lasse Clausen,
Kshitija Deshpande
et al.:
Understanding the creation of ionospheric F-region turbulence and its spatio-temporal evolution using GNSS scintillations, auxiliary instruments and modeling
Roger Birkeland,
Milica Orlandic,
Tor Arne Johansen,
Anja Kohfeldt,
Ketil Røed,
Tor Berger
et al.:
An update on Norwegian Space Education
Andres Spicher
Space physics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren
EISCAT_3D Imaging Techniques for Ionospheric Incoherent Scatter Spectra Reconstruction
Etienne Gavazzi,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
James H. Clemmons,
Robert F. Pfaff,
Douglas E. Rowland
Time dependent electron transport calculations of the ionospheric response to Alfvénic precipitations
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Jorge L. Chau,
Andres Spicher,
Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen,
Matthias Clausen,
Ralph Latteck
et al.:
Large Scale Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of E-region Plasma Irregularities Measured by SIMONe Norway
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
Andres Spicher
Characterizing high-latitude ionospheric turbulence
Andres Spicher,
Axel Steuwer,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Yasunobu Ogawa,
Juha Vierinen,
Johann Immanuel Stamm
et al.:
EISCAT 3D Status and Future Development
Andres Spicher,
Axel Steuwer,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Yasunobu Ogawa,
Juha Vierinen,
Johann Immanuel Stamm
et al.:
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
James LaBelle,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
John W. Bonnell,
Roger Roglans
et al.:
Examining the relevance of different instability mechanisms in causing ionospheric cusp irregularities based on sounding rocket data and numerical simulations
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Juha Vierinen
Characteristics of polar ionospheric plasma density irregularities with multi-point measurements
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Juha Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen
Exploring Characteristics of Turbulent Density Fluctuations in the Arctic Ionosphere with Multi-Point Measurements
Lisa Marie Buschmann,
Andres Spicher,
Lasse Clausen,
Sigvald Marholm,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch
Role of particle precipitation on plasma structuring at different altitudes by in-situ measurements