Bilde av Paulsen, Elise Marlen
Bilde av Paulsen, Elise Marlen
Stipendiat Department of Community Medicine

Elise Marlen Paulsen

Job description

Elise M. Paulsen works as a PhD student and is a member of the research group 'System Epidemiology.' Her PhD project, titled 'Vitamin D and Inflammation-Related Cancer,' aims to investigate whether the levels of vitamin D measured in the blood are associated with the risk of developing colorectal cancer. The project also aims to investigate immune processes by measuring immune markers in the body and their association with vitamin D and colorectal cancer. Additionally, the project explores the link between vitamin D and survival after a colorectal cancer diagnosis. It utilizes data from the Norwegian Women and Cancer post-genome cohort.

Elise is also a member of the research project 'Vitamin D and Periodontitis - a feasibility trial.' During her tenure as a research assistant, she contributed to the development of this project and is currently involved in its implementation. This involvement includes receiving patients, taking blood samples, and administering short digital questionnaires.

In her earlier career, Elise worked as a hairdresser until 2016, when she embarked on her journey at UiT-Arctic University of Tromsø to become a Clinical Nutritionist. She successfully completed her education and obtained authorization after earning a master's degree in 2021.

  • Elise Marlen Paulsen, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Ilona Halva Urbarova, Magritt Brustad :
    Pre-diagnostic 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and subsite-specific colorectal cancer risk: A nested case-control study from the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC)
    British Journal of Nutrition 2025 DOI
  • Elise Marlen Paulsen, Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander, Magritt Brustad, Torill Miriam Enget Jensen :
    Pre-diagnostic intake of vitamin D and incidence of colorectal cancer by anatomical subsites: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Cohort Study (NOWAC)
    British Journal of Nutrition 2023 ARKIV / DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    "The law must mandate the hiring of clinical nutritionists", only available in Norwegian.

    Research interests

    • Nutrition Epidemiology
    • Cancer Epidemiology
    • Vitamin D
    • Periodontitis
    • Immunomarkers


    Elise has taught or is currently teaching the following courses:

    • ERN-1001: Food Knowledge and Food Safety
      - Introduction to Macro- and Micronutrients
    • ERN-2001: Basic Epidemiology, Statistics, and Dietary Assessment Methods
      - Kitchen Lab: Enrichment
    • PAR-1110-1: Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry
      - Nutrition Science
    • SYP-1110 1: Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry
      - Nutrition Science
    • TPL-1006-1: Clinical Dental Care I
      - Nutrition Science


    2022-2026: Doctoral Program, Ph.D. in Nutrition

    2021-2022: Research Assistant

    2012-2016: Hairdresser

    2009-2010: Hairdressing Apprentice


    2019-2021: Masterdegree in clinical nutrition, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2021. Master thesis: "Prediagnostic intake of vitamin D and incidence of colorectal cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study".

    2016-2019: Bachelor in nutrition, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2019. Bachelor thesis: "Is there an association between vitamin D status and survival among patients with colorectal cancer? - a literature study".

    2010: Received a journeyman's certificate as a hairdresser

    2008-2009: Attended Frisørakademiet, Hair Art School: Oslo