Pavlo Sokolov

Pavlo Sokolov disputerer for ph.d-graden i ingeniørvitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

Study of the in-cloud droplet impingement on cylinders for low values of the Stokes number

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her.

The doctoral thesis.


På grunn av koronautbruddet vil disputasen bli strømmet. Opptak av disputasen vil være tilgjengelig i en uke.

Because of the corona outbreak the defense will be streamed. A recording of the disputation will be available for one week.


Prøveforelesning / Trial lecture 31.08.21 kl. 10.15.

For trial lecture, the candidate can choose any one topic from following two topics:

  1. Atmospheric icing of structures on the ground
  2. Fundamental Issues of atmospheric icing and future prospects of Icing simulation


Disputas / Public defense 31.08.21 kl. 12.15.

 Prøveforelesning og disputas vil bli strømmet, lenke.

Trial lecture and public defense will be streamed, link.


De som ønsker å opponere ex auditorio kan sende e-post til leder av disputasen, professor Raymond Kristiansen

Opponents ex auditorio should sign up to leader of defense by e-mail to professor Raymond Kristiansen


Short summary:

The study of the atmospheric ice accretion is an established scientific field, with the available knowledge spanning from the works of the Langmuir and Blodgett till Finstad et al., with latter being the current analytical benchmark and the integral part of the ISO 12494 “Atmospheric Icing on Structures”, a current guideline for the estimation of the ice loads on structures. One of the major limitations of the Finstad et al. parameterization is its applicability for the range of Stokes number, K > 0.25. From the available data from the measurements at the Ålvikfjellet test span in Norway, the majority of the extreme ice loads occur for the value of K ≤ 0.25. There is a need for better prediction and estimation of ice loads for such cases, with the applications of modeling of extreme loads on the overhead power lines, the ice maps generation and ice load guidelines. The use of the “idealized” Langmuir distributions is suggested, originally proposed by Langmuir and Blodgett and Howe.


Veiledere / Supervisors:


Associate professor Muhammad Shakeel Virk, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Industrial Engineering.


Associate professor Klas Pettersson, Chalmers, Systems Developer at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Quantum Technology Laboratory. Dr. Bjørn Egil Nygaard, Norconsult.


Bedømmelseskomité / Evaluation committée:

  • Professor Shigeo Kimura, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan (1st opponent)
  • Professor Hugo Pervier, Cranfield University, UK (2nd opponent)
  • Associate professor Charu Sharma, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Industrial Engineering


Prøveforelesning og disputas ledes av prodekan, professor Raymond Kristiansen

When: 31.08.21 at 10.15–15.00
Where: Digitalt / UiT i Narvik
Location / Campus: Digital
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Contact: Anne Gjerløw
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