Tanguy Sandré,
Jean-Paul Vanderlinden,
Jeanne-Marie Gherardi Scao,
Zhiwei Zhu,
Fern Elizabeth Wickson
Addressing epistemic injustices in species at risk assessments through improved credibility and legitimacy: case study of narwhal management in Ittoqqortoormiit
NAMMCO scientific publications 2024
Sophie Smout,
Kimberly Murray,
Geert Aarts,
Martin Biuw,
Sophie Brasseur,
Alejandro Buren
et al.:
Report of the NAMMCO-ICES Workshop on Seal Modelling (WKSEALS 2020)
NAMMCO scientific publications 2021
Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv,
Embla Eir Oddsdóttir,
Fern Wickson
Gender and Intersectional Approaches to Security in the Arctic
Routledge 2020
Enzo Lombi,
Erica Donner,
Maria Dusinska,
Fern Wickson
A One Health approach to managing the applications and implications of nanotechnologies in agriculture
Nature Nanotechnology 2019
Fern Wickson,
Ellen-Marie Forsberg
Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial Spaces.
Rowman & Littlefield International 2019
Flor Rivera López,
Fern Wickson,
Vera Helene Hausner
Bridging different perspectives for biocultural conservation: art-based participatory research on native maize conservation in two indigenous farming communities in Oaxaca, Mexico
Environment, Development and Sustainability 2019
Trine Antonsen,
Erik Lundestad,
Fern Wickson
The rewriting of human/nature relations through genome editing
Wageningen Academic Publishers 2019
Flor Rivera López,
Fern Wickson,
Vera Helene Hausner
Finding CreativeVoice: Applying Arts-based Research in the Context of Biodiversity Conservation
Unai Pascual,
Patricia Balvanera,
Sandra Díaz,
György Pataki,
Eva Roth,
Marie Stenseke
et al.:
Valuing nature's contributions to people: the IPBES approach
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2017
Sarah Agapito Tenfen,
Fern Wickson
Challenges for transgene detection in landraces and wild relatives: learning from 15 years of debate over GM maize in Mexico
Biodiversity and Conservation 2017
Sarah Agapito Tenfen,
Flor Rivera Lopez,
N. Mallah,
G. Abou-Slemayne,
M. Trtikova,
R.O. Nodari
et al.:
Transgene flow in Mexican maize revisited: Socio-biological analysis across two contrasting farmer communities and seed management systems
Ecology and Evolution 2017
Fern Wickson
Do We Care About Synbiodiversity? Questions arising from an investigation into whether there are GM crops in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2016
Daniel Ferreira Holderbaum,
Marek Cuhra,
Fern Wickson,
Afonso Inácio Orth,
Rubens Onofre Nodari,
Thomas Bøhn
Chronic Responses of Daphnia magna under Dietary Exposure to Leaves of a Transgenic (Event MON810) Bt-Maize Hybrid and its Conventional Near-Isoline
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2015
Fern Wickson,
Ellen-Marie Forsberg
Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial Spaces
Science and Engineering Ethics 2014
Fern Wickson,
Roger Strand,
Kamilla Lein Kjølberg
The walkshop approach to science and technology Ethics
Science and Engineering Ethics 06. February 2014
Fern Wickson,
Thomas Bøhn,
Brian Wynne,
Angelika Hilbeck,
Silvio Oscar Funtowicz
Science based risk assessment requires careful evaluation of all studies
Nature Biotechnology 2013
Fern Wickson,
Brian Wynne
Ethics of Science for Policy in the Environmental Governance of Biotechnology: MON810 Maize in Europe
Ethics, Policy & Environment 2012
Ana Maria Delgado Aleman,
Kamilla Kjølberg,
Fern Wickson
Public engagement coming of age: From theory to practice in STS encounters with nanotechnology
Public Understanding of Science 2011
Fern Wickson,
Ana Delgado,
Kamilla Kjølberg
Public engagement coming of age: From theory to practice in STS encounters with nanotechnology
Public Understanding of Science 2011
Rasmus Tore Slaattelid,
Fern Wickson
Imag(in)ing the Nano-scale: Introduction Nanoethics (2011) 5:159-163
Anna L. Carew,
Fern Wickson
The TD Wheel: A heuristic to shape, support and evaluate transdisciplinary research
Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies 2010
Fern Wickson,
Ana Delgado,
Kamilla Kjølberg
Who or What is 'The Public'?
Nature Nanotechnology 2010
Fern Wickson,
Frøydis Gillund,
Anne Ingeborg Myhr
Treating nanoparticles with precaution: recognising qualitative uncertainty in scientific risk assessment
Jenny Stanford Publishing 2010
Anna Wargelius,
Muath K Alsheikh,
Espen Gamlund,
Camilla Tøndel,
Aina Bartmann,
Arne Holst-Jensen
et al.:
Genteknologi i en bærekraftig fremtid
Maya Marshak,
Fern Wickson,
Amaranta Herrero,
Rachel Wynberg
Losing practices, relationships and agency: ecological deskilling as a consequence of the uptake of modern seed varieties among South African Smallholders
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 2021
Odd-Gunnar Wikmark,
Anne Ingeborg Myhr,
Fern Wickson
Genteknologiloven og genredigering: Ja takk, begge deler.
Nationen 27. July 2018
Tucker Prescott,
Fern Wickson
Fern Wickson
Forgotten Stories of Frozen Seeds
Forgotten Stories of Frozen Seeds 2018
Fern Wickson
Svalbard Global Seed Vault: Forgotten Stories of Frozen Seeds:
Mary-Kathryn Craft,
Fern Wickson
Sowing Art and Science
Flor Rivera Lopez,
Fern Wickson,
Vera Helene Hausner
Finding CreativeVoice: Applying arts-based research for agrobiodiversity conservation
Clare Robinson,
Fern Wickson
GM genes are still getting into native Mexican maize
Fern Wickson
The role of the Svalbard Seed Vault in biodiversity conservation
Frosne Sanger 2017
Fern Wickson
Should genetically modified organisms be part of our conservation efforts?
The Conversation 2016
Fern Wickson
Cultivating the New Garden of Eden
Fern Wickson
Synthetic Biology and Synbiodiversity: How New Biotechnologies are Raising New Philosophical Questions for Biodiversity Conservation
Fern Wickson
Is there a place for GMOs in the Noah's Ark for Seeds?
Article Biennial: Art Science Cocktails 2016
Ellen-Marie Forsberg,
Harald Throne-Holst,
Fern Wickson
Verdens minste problem
Klassekampen 16. March 2013
Fern Wickson,
Thomas Bøhn,
Brian Wynne,
Angelika Hilbeck,
Silvio Oscar Funtowicz
Science-based risk assessment requires careful evaluation of all studies
Fern Wickson
New modes of thought required for the Age of Ecology: Plato’s revenge: politics in the age of ecology, by William Ophuls. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2011, 193 pages, US$27.95, £19.95 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-262-01590-5
Science and Public Policy 2013
Fern Wickson
Scientists and the regulation of risk: standardising control. By David Demortain, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2011, 288 pages, £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-84980-943-6
Science and Public Policy 2013
Fern Wickson
Standards: recipes for reality (infrastructures) by Lawrence Busch MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2011, 384 pages, US$24.70, £23.70, ISBN 9780262016384
Science and Public Policy 2013
Fern Wickson,
Brian Wynne
Reply to J.N. Perry et al
EMBO Reports 2012
Fern Wickson,
Brian Wynne
The anglerfish deception The light of proposed reform in the regulation of GM crops hides underlying problems in EU science and governance
Fern Wickson
The Scientific Revolution
IEEE technology & society magazine 2012
Brian Wynne,
Fern Wickson
Response to "The anglerfish deception" Reply
Fern Wickson
Nanomaterials need flexible regulation
Nature 2011
Fern Wickson
Mosquitoes: just how much biodiversity does humanity need?
Fern Wickson,
Ana Maria Delgado Aleman,
Kamilla Kjølberg
Who or what is the public?
Nature Nanotechnology 2010
Fern Wickson,
Kamilla Kjølberg,
Ana Maria Delgado Aleman
"Why Public is a Problem and not a Solution"