Bilde av Schmidt, Oliver
Bilde av Schmidt, Oliver
Postdoc Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777646788 Tromsø You can find me here

Oliver Schmidt

  • Tilman John Siegfried Schmider, Anne Grethe Hestnes, Julia Brzykcy, Hannes Schmidt, Arno Schintlmeister, Benjamin Roller et al.:
    Physiological basis for atmospheric methane oxidation and methanotrophic growth on air
    Nature Communications 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katharina Kujala, Oliver Schmidt, Marcus A. Horn :
    Synergy and competition during the anaerobic degradation of N-acetylglucosamine in a methane-emitting, subarctic, pH-neutral fen
    Frontiers in Microbiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anja B. Meier, Sindy Oppermann, Harold L. Drake, Oliver Schmidt :
    The root zone of graminoids: A niche for H2-consuming acetogens in a minerotrophic peatland
    Frontiers in Microbiology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yngvild Bjørdal, Kathrin Marina Bender, Liabo Motleleng, Bente Lindgård, Andreas Richter, Victoria Sophie Martin et al.:
    Higher rRNA concentrations lead to elevated methane production rates during cooling in Arctic peatlands?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Oliver is currently working in the LoAir project focusing on the intriguing metabolism of atmospheric methane-oxidizing bacteria (atMOB). Atmospheric concentrations of the potent greenhouse gas methane increased since the industrial revolution in the 18th century from 0.7 ppm to 1.9 ppm today. However, methane is still emitted in large quantities by natural and anthropogenic processes and its atmospheric concentrations are predicted to increase further (to 2.5 ppm towards the end of the 21st century) if the efforts to limit methane emissions are not intensified. atMOBs are an important sink for atmospheric methane globally and to study the metabolic responses of these microbes to changes in atmospheric methane concentrations is of utmost importance for predicting future climate change. Oliver designed an experimental setup to cultivate Methylocapsa gorgona MG08, a model atMOB, at different methane concentrations resembling past, present and future predicted atmospheric levels of the greenhouse gas. In order to characterize the metabolic adaption of M. gorogna to contrasting substrate availabilities he combines analytical (gas chromatography), molecular (nucleic acid and protein quantitation, proteomics), and microscopic techniques.
