Stine Willum Adrian
Job description
Stine Willum Adrian is a Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway. Adrian is a sociologist by training and holds a PhD in feminist STS and cultural analysis. Adrian’s work has always been interdisciplinary joining ethnography of medical technologies with cultural analysis, ethics and law. Her research interests lie in questions concerning, reproductive technology, technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life, gender, intersectionality, feminist materialisms, the entanglement of technologies and ethics, ethnographic and qualitative methods. Adrian has previously done several comprehensive ethnographic studies on fertility clinics and sperm banks in Denmark and Sweden looking at IVF, insemination, fertility travelling, cryo-technologies, sperm banking, sperm depositing, and she is currently engaged in researching technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life.
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Research interests
Stine Willum Adrian is a Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway. Adrian is a sociologist by training and holds a PhD in feminist STS and cultural analysis. Adrian’s work has always been interdisciplinary joining ethnography of medical technologies with cultural analysis, ethics and law. Her research interests lie in questions concerning, reproductive technology, technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life, gender, intersectionality, feminist materialisms, the entanglement of technologies and ethics, ethnographic and qualitative methods. Adrian has previously done several comprehensive ethnographic studies on fertility clinics and sperm banks in Denmark and Sweden looking at IVF, insemination, fertility travelling, cryo-technologies, sperm banking, sperm depositing, and she is currently engaged in researching technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life.
SVF-3003 Kvalitative forskningsmetoder
SOS-2002 Bachelorgradsoppgave
SVF-1050 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode
SVF-1051 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode (online)
SOS-1018 Fra embryo til internasjonal politikk - kjønnsteoretiske perspektiver på reproduksjon, seksualitet og biopolitikk
Member of research group
Member of project
2024 - Professoer in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods, UiT
2023 - Associate Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods, UiT
2015 - Associate Professor in Techno-Anthropology, Aalborg University
2011-2015 Assistant Professor in Techno-Anthropology, Aalborg University
2007 Academic Coordinator, Department of Gender Studies, Linköping University (March 1’st – Aug. 31’st)
2006, Filosofie Doktorsexamen (Ph.D.), Department of Gender Studies, Linköping University (5 years program)
2000, Cand.scient.soc. in International Development Studies and Sociology, RUC
1997, Filosofie magisterexamen in Sociology (Swedish Masters), Lunds University
1993 International Bacceloreate (IB), United World College of the Adriatic, Italy