Daniel Chartier,
Hanna Ellen Guttorm,
Britt Kramvig,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Johannes Riquet,
Philip Steinberg
Decolonial cartographies: Counter-mapping in the Arctic
Manchester University Press 2024
Bjørn Moen Ballo,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Roman Sidortsov
Running out of excuses? Norwegian political and policy discourses justifying oil and gas development in the Arctic
Spanish Yearbook of International Law 08. February 2024
Magnus Elias Eilertsen,
Berit Kristoffersen
Grønn omstilling uten fasit.
Hva kan oljehistorien i Lofoten lære oss om energiomstilling av lokalsamfunn?
Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT) 2023
Inger Helene Svartdal,
Berit Kristoffersen
Why in my backyard (WIMBY): Forging the link to community futures when energy transition projects are met with indifference
Energy Research & Social Science 2023
Berit Kristoffersen,
Gavin Bridge,
Steinberg Philip E.
Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in
Norway’s Lofoten/Vesterålen/Senja Archipelago
Philippe Le Billon,
Päivi Lujala,
Devyani Singh,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Vance Culbert
Fossil fuels, climate change, and the COVID-19
crisis: pathways for a just and green postpandemic recovery
Climate Policy 16. August 2021
Philip E. Steinberg,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Kristen L. Shake
EDGES AND FLOWS: Exploring Legal Materialities and Biophysical Politics of Sea Ice
Duke University Press 2020
Steinberg Philip E.,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Kristen L. Shake
Edges and flows: Exploring Legal Materialities and Biophysical Politics of Sea Ice
Duke University Press 2020
Hannes Gerhardt,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Kirsti Stuvøy
Saving the Arctic: Green Peace or oil riot?
Philip E. Steinberg,
Berit Kristoffersen
Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean
Sustaining the sea or sustaining the state?
Philippe Le Billon,
Berit Kristoffersen
Just cuts for fossil fuels? Supply-side carbon constraints and energy transition
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2019
Brigt Dale,
Berit Kristoffersen
Post-Petroleum Security in a Changing Arctic: Narratives and Trajectories Towards Viable Futures
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2018
Philip E. Steinberg,
Berit Kristoffersen
"The ice edge is lost….nature moved it": mapping ice as state practice in the Canadian and Norwegian North
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2017
Berit Kristoffersen,
Oluf Langhelle
Sustainable Development as a Global-Arctic Matter: Imaginaries and Controversies
Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Gro Birgit Ween,
Florence Durney,
Sonja Irene Åman,
Britt Kramvig,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Sadie Elizabeth Hale
et al.:
Artisanal Whaling
Ragnhild Batseba Ødegaard Skaugen,
Claudia Siew Wan Cheng,
Berit Kristoffersen
Pop-up Lecture: Getting to a just transition in Svalbard and Arctic Norway
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold,
Ida Marie Henriksen,
Berit Kristoffersen,
Johannes Fjell Hojem,
Iva Stoychova
Making the smart grid through pilot projects. Insights, lessons and ways forward
Berit Kristoffersen
Den mektige olje-alliansen som folk knapt har hørt om
Gisle Andersen,
Brigt Dale,
Berit Kristoffersen
Polarinstituttet er blitt instruert tidligere
Dagens næringsliv 14. January 2020
Berit Kristoffersen,
Inger Helene Svartdal
Øysamfunnet Senja satser på fornybar energi
Bjarte Hoff,
Matteo Chiesa,
Yngve Birkelund,
Berit Kristoffersen
A renewable arctic: Green energy transitions
Berit Kristoffersen,
Anniken Førde
Lofoten Place Perspectives
Gisle Andersen,
Brigt Dale,
Berit Kristoffersen
Kunnskapsbaserte beslutningsverktøy? Syntese av samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning på marine forvaltningsplaner (2005–2019)
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Berit Kristoffersen,
Phillip Steinberg
Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Sustaining the Sea or, sustaining the State?
Berit Kristoffersen,
Paul Wassmann
Barentshavet mellom kunnskap og politikk
Ottar 2018
Berit Kristoffersen
70 prosent i nord er imot oljeboring i Lofoten og Vesterålen
Brigt Dale,
Berit Kristoffersen
Lofoten, ontological security and Post-petroleum futures.
Berit Kristoffersen
Klimaforskere: – Lofotfisket kan bli trua
Berit Kristoffersen,
Bård Lappegård Lahn
Challenging status quo through supply-side initiatives in Norway: Way out or far out?
Berit Kristoffersen
Lofot-kommunene får 300.000 kroner til å forske på seg selv
Berit Kristoffersen
Halvparten av utenlandske turister er negative til turistskatt
Berit Kristoffersen
Just cuts for fossil fuels? Supply-side carbon constraints and geo-political economies of energy transitions
Berit Kristoffersen
Før turistene kommer
Berit Kristoffersen
- Oljeinteressene ligger an til å vinne
Berit Kristoffersen
How much research can you do in three days?
12. October 2017
Paul Wassmann,
Marit Reigstad,
Berit Kristoffersen
Alt flyter: Store verdier står på spill
Berit Kristoffersen,
Bård Lahn,
Guri Bang
Forskningspanel vil besvare spørsmål som sterkt berører lofotnæringen
Berit Kristoffersen
Berit Kristoffersen
Ni av ti turister vil tilbake til Lofoten
Berit Kristoffersen
Striden om Arktis iskant
Berit Kristoffersen
Barentshavet 2.0: Fra Shtokman til Goliat?
Berit Kristoffersen
- Polarfronten har forsvunnet
Berit Kristoffersen,
Brigt Dale,
Gisle Andersen
Imagining a post-petroleum society: Scenarios and changing materialities of oil in Norway.
Berit Kristoffersen,
Anniken Førde
Post-petroleum Dialogues; imaginaries and strategies
Britt Kramvig,
Anniken Førde,
Berit Kristoffersen
"Get real - and get relevant". Challenges of intervention
Berit Kristoffersen
The Workable Arctic of Ice and Oil
Berit Kristoffersen
Mener Lofoten kan bli mer kresne på turistene
Berit Kristoffersen
Forsker om hvalturisme i Tromsø
25. April 2016
Anniken Førde,
Britt Kramvig,
Berit Kristoffersen
Ansvarlig reiseliv som motor i nord?
Berit Kristoffersen,
Britt Kramvig
En verdifull følgesvenn