Christine Hanssen Rinaldo
Professor II
Unit: Department of Clinical Medicine
Humane polyomavirus (HPyV): BKPyV og JCPyV
Hepatitt E-virus (HEV)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Herpes simples virus 1 (HSV-1)
Virus replikasjon, virus-celle interaksjon, patogenese, immunitet, virusindusert kreftutvikling, antiviral behandling, diagnostikk
Javier Sanchez Romano
Unit: Department of Medical Biology
Javier's main research interests are infection biology and virology. He has a collaborative scientific background focused on infection biology (human and nonhuman) in the circumpolar north, but he is also interested in education and the necessity of a holistic approach to health and the development of the One Health concept in the Arctic.
His involvement in the SECVIR project is helping him to develop his skills further, including infection biology, virus propagation and purification, molecular biology or advance microscopy.
Morten Tryland
Professor II
Unit: Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
Patogener og infeksjonssjukdommer hos ville dyr og tamrein - forekomst og betydning på individ og populasjonsnivå. Sjukdommer som kan overføres mellom dyr og mennesker (zoonoser). Virologi.