Bilde av Makhmali, Omid
Bilde av Makhmali, Omid
Postdoc Department of Mathematics and Statistics +4777644922 Tromsø

Omid Makhmali

Job description

I am a differential geometer, mostly incorporating Cartan geometric techniques to study various aspects of projective, conformal, CR structures and their generalizations. Problems that I study involve notions such as symmetry reductions, distinguished curves, twistorial constructions, holonomy reductions, and integrability conditions.

  • Boris Serafimovich Kruglikov, Omid Makhmali :
    Zero-curvature subconformal structures and dispersionless integrability in dimension five
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2024 ARKIV / DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Projective structures, conformal structures, CR structures, integrable systems