Travel and reimbursment
When you are planning a trip
Revised 12.02.2024
The guidelines apply to employees and students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), and are a result of UiT's action plan for sustainability. The guidelines are part of the transport action area and aim to achieve the goal of reducing UiT's overall environmental footprint through more sustainable and environmentally friendly operations of the university.
UiT's location and activities involve significant travel domestically and internationally, including the use of airplanes. The guidelines should not limit the quality of UiT's core activities; however, all travel activities at UiT should be weighed against environmental considerations. In a comprehensive assessment, environmental considerations, economy, time consumption, and academic benefit should be included. Environmental considerations should be heavily weighted. The same overall assessment should be made in connection with the invitation of guest lecturers, examiners, external researchers, and other guests.
Evaluate alternatives for individual trips
- Is the particular trip considered necessary or strategically important?
- Can the trip be replaced by meetings on digital platforms?
- Is it practically possible to use another mode of transport than, for example, airplanes, which produce high greenhouse gas emissions?
- Can an alternative travel route that takes longer than flying be justified by the employee working during the trip and thus using the time effectively?
2. Plan, prioritize, and combine trips
- Can multiple short trips be combined through long-term and good planning?
- Can multiple purposes be combined in the same trip?
- Can examiners, opponents, and guest lecturers participate in digital ways, or combine several purposes in connection with travel to UiT?
- How many from UiT need to participate in the same trip, can the number of travelers be reduced?
3. Reduce the environmental footprint at events
- Can events be conducted digitally?
- Meetings, seminars, and gatherings for employees and students at UiT should, as a rule, be local.
- When participating in international conferences, UiT employees should actively participate in the program to justify a long journey. Leaders should prioritize sending younger researchers early in their careers to create networks and collaborations.
- The use of airplanes for own events should be limited, except for trips between UiT's campuses to maintain core activities.
- Groups of employees or students are not allowed to use airplanes abroad for gatherings that primarily have internal purposes. University management and leaders of faculties and departments may decide exceptions.
- When UiT leads national committees, councils, and similar, digital meetings should be prioritized. If UiT is a member, we should propose that 2/3 of the meetings be conducted digitally.
4. Practical implementation
- Employees should use UiT's travel agency agreement and the arrangements for follow-up and discounts included in this for booking business trips.
- Travel purposes and modes should be clarified with the immediate leader.
- From an environmental standpoint, the necessity of a trip should always be assessed before it is undertaken.
- The trip should, after a comprehensive assessment, be carried out in the fastest, cheapest, and most environmentally friendly manner for the state, as far as this is compatible with an efficient and proper execution of the trip.
- Coverage of a potentially higher travel cost for a more environmentally friendly trip should be agreed upon in advance with the immediate leader.
- Leaders should ensure that UiT's travel policy is informed about and followed up at all units.
Last changed: 02.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Environmental considerations for travel at UiT guidelines
Booking a trip
Business trips for employees should be booked through the current travel agency agreement at UiT.
Here, flights, hotels, and rental cars are booked at the prevailing contract prices.
According to the State Travel Regulations, the employee is obligated to use discount agreements in connection with travel as far as possible. Any deviations must be explained in the remarks field of the travel expense report.
UiT currently has a travel agency agreement with Berg Hansen.
Last changed: 30.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Travel booking Berg Hansen - available for employees at UiT
Travel advance
Employees can apply for a travel advance. Applications for travel advances are made through the Self-Service Portal or via the DFØ app and must be approved by the employee's manager. After approval, the travel advance is processed for payment directly, and the advance is deducted when the travel expense report is settled. As a general rule, the payment of travel advances occurs once per week.
Travel advances should be settled as soon as possible after the trip has concluded. This is done in the following way:
If the total travel expenses for the trip that received an advance are less than the amount paid out as a travel advance, a negative net balance will occur, which is automatically deducted at the next travel settlement.
Last changed: 30.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Settle travel advance
Travel insurance
Employees in the public sector are covered by the Act relating to industrial injury insurance during business trips for the time they perform work on the trip. It does not matter if the employee was performing a task abroad at the time of the injury as long as the injured party is employed by an employer "in the realm." Thus, a state employee on a business trip and assignment abroad will be covered by the Act relating to industrial injury insurance. Additionally, employees are accident insured throughout the entire trip (24-hour coverage).
- For stays outside the EEA area, the individual agency covers necessary expenses for the treatment of illness and/or injury on the trip at the state's expense, as well as documented expenses for possible repatriation not covered by the national insurance or other schemes, including travel insurance on credit cards.
Damage to or loss of ordinary travel goods for personal use compensates for a probable loss.
- For particularly expensive/valuable items brought by the employee, private insurance should be taken out.
- In assessing whether the financial loss should be fully or partially covered, special consideration is given to whether the traveler has exercised ordinary care. Loss/damage must be reported immediately to the employer. An application for insurance settlement must be submitted within a reasonable time after returning home. If the employee has taken out their own insurances, these should be fully utilized before the state covers any of the damage/loss.
- When using own insurances, the deductible is covered. Trips paid with credit cards are an example of this.
If there is a deviation from the approved travel route due to personal circumstances, the insurance under this special agreement ceases for the part of the trip that the deviation applies to.
Fieldwork and seagoing expeditions is not a business trip. Fieldwork and seagoing expeditions is understood as a mandated work conducted outside the regular workplace, such as collecting materials/data, measurements, sampling, excavations, etc., which is not a completed work but is expected to be processed later.
- Assignments of a sporadic and short-term nature, lasting less than a continuous 12 hours, fall outside the definition.
- Fieldwork and seagoing expeditions that is not mandated and is performed in connection with one's own research activities is not covered by the guidelines.
Employees are insured against accidents during the duration of the fieldwork and seagoing expeditions.
Compensation for damage and loss of travel goods up to a value of NOK 30,000 can be provided.
Travel insurance during expeditions (the expedition agreement) applies to permanent and temporary employees who have their regular work on land and who temporarily perform service related to their regular work aboard ships on expeditions.
Employees are insured against accidents during the duration of the expedition.
- Damage to or loss of private belongings can be compensated when the damage or loss has occurred in connection with the service due to theft, burglary, natural disasters, fire, accidental mishaps, and similar events.
- Private belongings that can be compensated under the provision include clothes and other items that the employee has either used in the service or brought to the service location and which it is natural for the employee to have present.
- In assessing whether the financial loss should be fully or partially covered, particular consideration is given to whether the traveler has exercised ordinary diligence. Damage/loss must be reported immediately to the employer. An application for insurance settlement must be submitted within a reasonable time after returning home.
- If the employee has taken out their own insurances, these should be fully utilized before the state covers any of the damage/loss. When using own insurances, the deductible is covered.
Last changed: 22.11.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Insurance for fieldwork and seagoing expeditions
Travel settlement
Travel expense reports are created in the self-service portal or the DFØ app.
Expenses for travel, meals, accommodation, and other expenses during business trips are covered according to the rules, rates, and documentation requirements established in the Special Agreement for the coverage of expenses for travel and meals. (Page not available in English).
Last changed: 06.02.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Business trips
The Special Agreement for the coverage of expenses for travel and meals does not apply to scholarship travels. Exceptions can, however, be made in cases where the employer has a significant interest in the travel being carried out. It is the employer who makes this assessment. In such cases, the special agreement may be applied wholly or partially.
Last changed: 14.10.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Scolarship travels
The travel expense report should be submitted in the DFØ self-service portal or via the DFØ app as soon as possible after the trip has concluded.
It is very important that the travel expense report is filled out correctly, with the right cost center and subproject. All expenses must be registered one by one with the receipt uploaded, and the amounts must match the receipts. Note that the documentation must show that the amount has been paid (receipt approved for purchase). Be sure to select the correct expense type for each expenditure.
For air travel, there must be confirmation that the flight has been completed (boarding pass or flown receipt from Berg-Hansen). This can be retrieved by logging in to the Start page job travels - Berg-Hansen. Under the tab travel folder - receipts, you will find an overview of all your bookings, flown, and receipts.
User guide for DFØ App and Self-service portalLast changed: 30.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Submit travel expence report
Here you will find guidance on how to submit settlements for the mobility grant/travel grant after research terms and scholarship trips.
Last changed: 14.10.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Submit travel expense reports after research terms and scholarship trips
Credit card
UiT has agreements with the credit card company Eurocard. Employees are encouraged to use the credit card scheme in connection with travels for UiT.
Credit card with company liability offering up to 55 days of interest-free payment deferral. The card is issued in the cardholder's name. The card is linked to the "Book Now - Pay Later" scheme, which is a service where the flight ticket is invoiced only when the trip is undertaken. The maximum payment deferral is 6 months. The service costs NOK 100 per transaction (travel document). The annual fee for the card is NOK 200.
Order EurocardLast changed: 02.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Eurocard
Reimbursement of expenses
Purchases of goods and services for UiT must be made with a valid purchase order. This is to ensure pre-approval of the purchase.
To report your needs, fill out the form that you can find at A purchaser at your unit will create an order on your behalf in UiT's ordering system.
It is only possible to claim reimbursement for expenses if it can be documented that there are critical and unforeseen circumstances requiring rapid actions related to fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and technical operations - and when time and place do not make it practically possible to use a purchase order.
For more information, see the the Procurement Section.