Dilki won the exchange students' photo competition
“I'm really happy and I have no words. I'm far away from my home and this is a huge thing for me.”

That was the immediate reaction of Dilki Tharangika Lakchani after she learned that she was the winner of First Impressions, a photo competition for all exchange students at UiT.
Dilki is a master of philosophy student at the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka, doing research on marine pollution and the Arctic as an exchange student.
Her winning shot was captured during a visit to a Salmar salmon farming facility at Senja.
“I took the photo because it reminded me that even if we feel we struggle, there is light,” she says.
The competition was part of the Polar Night Celebration, where we celebrate our exchange students and eat Norwegian Christmas food.
An exhibition of the participating photos will now tour different UiT campuses, starting with Narvik.
Nordisk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Barnehagelærer - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Organisasjon og ledelse for offentlig sektor - erfaringsbasert master
Varighet: 3 År -
Varighet: 1 Semestre -
Lektor i språk og samfunnsfag trinn 8-13 - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Bevegelige bilder - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Informatikk, datafag - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Computer Science - master
Varighet: 2 År