About FOSS
FOSS is a training centre where students at the Faculty of Health Sciences and staff at the University Hospital, can be trained in clinical skills and gain experience in complex clinical simulation scenarios. It is a centre for official organised training and also reinforcement of prior learning. It’s main aim is to better prepare all for clinical learning in clinical practice.The centre is based at B8 at UNN. We are developing the centre to accommodate a range of teaching methods and learning styles. We will have ample consulting rooms for general learning, a specialist room for specialist equipment training and rooms suitable for simulation scenarios.All rooms will have webcam recording facility.
Practice in inserting venous cannula
For safety reasons it is required that all practice in inserting venous cannula only happens after prior instruction and under guidance of a doctor / nurse / student guard at FOSS. Write the name of supervisor on the list of rombooking at the entrance of FOSS.
Open times
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 19:30. Daytime training is scheduled between 08:15 and 16:00, when university timetabled activity can take place. Drop-in training is scheduled between 16:30 and 19:30 Monday to Thursday. There will be a student responible for FOSS in the afternoons.
Contact information
To book a room/equipment at FOSS you have to send a request to: foss-rombooking@support.uit.no
For further enquires please use the email contact address provided.
Marianne Holmegård
77 66 96 99
Page editor: Holmegård, Marianne