Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)
The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) is part of UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Founded in 2002, CPS still is the only university-based peace centre in Norway. The centre teaches, conducts, and promotes critical and multi-disciplinary research on peace and conflict.
The centre’s main activities revolve around research, outreach and the Master’s Programme in Peace and Conflict Transformation (MPCT). The English-taught, interdisciplinary, two-year MPCT programme draws on perspectives from social sciences, political science, sociology, history, pedagogics, religious studies and anthropology, as well as from psychology, law and health.
CPS research and outreach activities are concerned with aspects of critical peace studies, peace education, livelihoods in conflict-affected societies, peace mediation processes, arms control, demobilization and reintegration.
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The Master in Peace and Conflict Transformation has students from all continents

Active social activities

Living in a small Arctic city creates a plenty of opportunities