
Recent publications:


  1. Tsiouvalas, A., & Campos, C. S. (2023). Book Review: Giulia Parola and Margherita Paola Poto, Tarumã, Waters that Speak Tarumã—A Legal Design and Visual Law Project Co-created by Law Students and the Chiquitano People: The Pollution of the Tarumã River and the Consequences on the Chiquitano People. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 0(0).
  2. Poto, Enyew, Anaya, Indigenous Peoples in Climate Law and Climate Action, book chapter in Kilmarettbok ed. C. Voigt and H. C. Bugge (II edition) UiO, exp. 202
  3. Parola, Poto, Radovich, Natividad Porrone, Chue Muquissai, Building Bridges For Effective Environmental Participation: The Path Of Law Co-Creation, The Chiquitano Multimodal Format for Disseminating the Escazú Agreement, submitted to Human Rights Series, Palgrave Mcmillan (book)
  4. Poto, Hayden, Urteaga Crovetto (2023), Effective participation for a sustainability transition that leaves no one behind, submitted to Environmental Science and Policy (Elsevier).
  5. Porrone, Poto (2023) Dis-empowering Gender Stereotypes. In: Duarte, M, K. Losleben, & K. Fjørtoft, Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia: A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation. Gender Series. Routledge
  6. Poto M. P. (2023), Sustainability Through Participation: Critical Reflections on the Epistemic Adequacy of the Western Legal Approach to Square the Circle and Grant a Common Future for All, in Peters B. Lohse E. (ed. by), Sustainability Through Participation? Legal Perspectives, Brill.
  7. M. P. Poto, A. Porrone J. Hayden-Nygren (2023), A co-creative research approach to environmental legal studies to address sustainability challenges, E-Book in Diritto Internazionale, Editore Pellegrini.
  8. E. M. Murray, M. P. Poto (2023) (working title), Achieving a Common Future for All Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods, in progress.
  9. M. P. Poto, E. M. Murray, V. Russo, Book Launch and Scientific Workshop "Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites", Septentrio UiT Report, 2023,
  10.  Poto, M. P., Murray, E. M., Russo, V., & Green, J. (2023). Second Book Launch and Creative Bilingual Workshop “Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”. Septentrio Reports, (1). 
  11. Lohse, E. J., Poto, M. P., Campos, C., Duglio, S., Engst, M., Fischer, M., Gänzle, R., Hayden-Nygren, J., Kuhlmann, D., Lawrenz, I., Morrison, A., Owens, A., Panieri, G., Parola, G., Porrone, A., Schafmeister, P., Ströher, A., & Weidelt, T. (2023). An Innovative Partnership and Methods for Knowledge Co-Production in Water Governance. The case study of the Gesso Stura Natural Park . Septentrio Reports, (1).
  12.  Poto, M. P., Murray, E. M., Russo, V., & Vita, L. (2023). Third Book Launch, Workshop and Next Steps “Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”. Septentrio Reports, (1).


  1. Poto, Lohse, Owino, CHAPTER I: Introduction – Mapping Co-production of Knowledge, in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  2. Poto, Porrone, Hayden-Nygren, CHAPTER II: Knowledge co-creation as a methodological approach: participatory approaches to environmental legal research in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  3. Parola, Muquissai, Poto, CHAPTER III: A co-created project of Legal Design and Visual Law applied to International Environmental Law: transformation of the Escazú Agreement and Environmental Access Rights into visual materials for and with the Chiquitano People in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  4. Murray, Poto, CHAPTER IV: Co-creation of educational spaces and curricula to develop an ecology of participation: an example from Follow Your Heart in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  5. Poto, Hayden-Nygren, Ownes, Morrison, Blackburn, CHAPTER V: Co-creation of knowledge for the governance of the commons: literature review and a case study on ‘Community Conversations’, a Wiltshire Council’s Project Initiative in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  6. Murungi, Lesegi, Poto, Lohse, CHAPTER VI: Climate change related disputes in North Kenya: how Kenya’s Alternative Justice Systems could utilize co-production of knowledge to curb pastoral violence in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  7. Otieno, Poto, Lohse, CHAPTER VII: Co-production of knowledge in Kenya’s climate change arena: the case of the Mijikenda Community’s Kaya Forest Preservation System in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  8. Mwanga, Gonza, Poto, Lohse, CHAPTER VIII: Missing the mark in law: creating a sustainable legal and policy framework for Indigenous Knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation in Tanzania in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  9. Radovich, Lohse, Poto, CHAPTER IX: Case study: exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons at the sea in Argentina – is knowledge co-created or only a non-binding formal requirement? in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4
  10. Lohse E., Poto M. P., (2022) Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag (forthcoming). ISBN: 978-3-8305-5538-4
  11. Murray E., Russo V., Poto M. P. (2022). Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites, Aracne (in press). ISBN 979-12-5474-218-1
  12. Parola G., Poto M. P. (2022) Tarumã, As águas que falam. Um projeto co-criado de legal design e visual law por estudantes de direito e o povo Chiquitano: o caso da poluição do Rio Tarumã e os reflexos no povo Chiquitano Aracne (in press). ISBN 979-12-218-0398-3
  13. Parola G., Poto M. P. (2022) Tarumã, waters that speak. A Legal Design and Visual Law Project, Co-created by Law Students and the Chiquitano People: The Pollution of the Tarumã River and Its Consequences for the Chiquitano People, Aracne (in press). ISBN 979-12-218-0396-9
  14. De Souza Tavares R., (2022) Direito e Emoções: uma abordagem sentimentalista das relações entre direito e moral, Multifoco, ISBN 9786556112039, available here
  15. Bennett A., Cummins A. (2023) Eco_Care Activity Booklet. A project coordinated by Giulia Parola and Margherita Paola Poto
  16. Murray E., Poto M. P. (2022), The New Horizons of Law and Science through the lens of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. Some Emerging Issues, Env. Policy and Law, 2022 (in press). Abstract available here
  17. Poto, Margherita Paola (2022). La tutela costituzionale dell'ambiente, della biodiversita' e degli ecosistemi, anche nell'interesse delle future generazioni, in Resp. Civ. Prev., n. 3, 1057-1064.
  18. Bennett Alexa, Cummins Aoife (2022). ECO_CARE Activity Booklet. Enhancing English Proficiency Audiobook version here
  19. Hayden Juliana, Lohse Eva Julia, Porrone Arianna, Poto Margherita Paola (2022), Strategic Scientific Workshop “Co-production of knowledge in climate governance”, Septentrio UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2022
  20. Poto, Margherita Paola (2022), Raggiungere la sicurezza alimentare tutelando l’ambiente e la salute umana: risposte dal diritto ambientale e soluzioni concrete alle sfide della sostenibilità nel quadro dell’Agenda 2030, in Nuove Autonomie, 1, pp. 1-23.
  21. Poto, Margherita Paola (2022), Environmental Law and Governance: the helicoidal pathway of participation. A study of a nature-based model inspired by the Arctic, the Ocean, and Indigenous Views, pp. 1-240, ISBN 9788892122253, available here
  22. Porrone Arianna, Poto Margherita Paola (2022), Co-creazione della ricerca e del sapere nel sistema dell’ecologia integrale, Nordicum Mediterraneum, Special Issue, Available here
  23. Poto, Margherita Paola (2022) Thinking about Ocean Governance: by Whom and for Whom?, in Elferink, De Lucia, Nguyen (ed. by), International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power, Brill, 2022.
  24. Panieri Giuliana et al. (2022), CAGE22-2 Scientific Cruise Report: AKMA 2/Ocean Senses, Cruise Reports, Vol. 10 (2022),


  1. Porrone, Arianna, Poto, Margherita Paola & Russo, Valentina (2021), A Story About Knowledge. Illustrated Version. Aracne editrice (ISBN 979-12-5994-614-0).
  2. Parola, Giulia, & Poto, Margherita Paola (2021). The Escazú Agreement in Comics with and for the Chiquitano People. A co-created project of legal design and visual law, Giappichelli, pp. 1-80, ISBN 9788892179134, available here
  3. Parola Giulia, & Poto Margherita Paola (2021). O Acordo de Escazú Em Quadrinhos Feito Pelo e Para o Povo Chiquitano. Um Projeto Co-criado de Legal Design e Visual Law, Giappichelli, pp. 1-80, ISBN 9788892142671, here
  4. De Gregorio, Valentina; Parola, Giulia; Porrone, Arianna; Poto, Margherita Paola; Tsiouvalas, Apostolos. Learning from the indigenous Law: The core values of inclusion, coexistence and resilience. I: Struggles for Recognition: Cultural Pluralism and Rights of Minorities. Dykinson 2021 ISBN 978-84-1377-133-5. s.339-356
  5. Enyew, Endalew Lijalem; Poto, Margherita Paola. Nature Protection, Indigenous Rights, and Climate Action. I: Klimarett - internasjonal, europeisk og norsk klimarett mot 2030. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 9788215043425.
  6. Poto, Margherita Paola; Porrone, Arianna. A Story About Knowledge. Aracne editrice 2021 (ISBN 9788825541106)
  7. Poto, Margherita Paola; Porrone Arianna (2021). The Steady Ascent of Environmental and Climate Justice: Constituent Elements and Future Scenarios, L’ascesa costante del movimento di giustizia ambientale e climatica: elementi costitutivi e scenari futuri, in Resp.Civ.Prev., n.4
  8. Poto, Margherita Paola; Tsiouvalas, Apostolos; Porrone, Arianna; De Gregorio, Valentina; Parola, Giulia (2021) What can we learn from Indigenous Peoples Law and Methodology?. REVISTA JURÍDICA 2021 ;Volum 1.(63)
  9. Parola, G., De Amorim, R. A. & Wu, K. (2021). Water Rights and Water Duties: Towards a Concept of Water Citizenship. Direito Ambiental e Desenvovimento Sustentàvel 18(41), 203-233.


Guerra, S. & Parola, G. (2019). Implementing Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration: A Comparative Study of the Aarhus Convention 1998 and the Escazú Agreement 2018. Revista Jurídica, 2(55), 1-33.

Poto, M. (2019). Shaping solutions to climate change and food (in)security by integrating peoples’ environmental knowledge in the Arctic regions. European Institute for Food Law Series, 11, 143-154.


Poto, M. (2018). Fathoming the Depths of Environmental Governance: Forms of Participation of a Community-Based System in the Arctic. Journal of Academic Perspectives, 3, 1-24.

Tsiouvalas, A. & Poto, M. (2018). Indigenous Rights to Defend Land and Traditional Activities: A Case Study of the Sami in Northern Sweden. Revista de Direito da Faculdade Guanambi, 5(1), 1-16.


Poto, M. (2017). Stepping Stones towards a New Order of Environmental Governance. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 8, 137-138.

Poto, M. (2017). Participatory engagement and the empowerment of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples. Environmental Law Review, 19(1), 30-47.

Poto, M. & Fornabaio, L. (2017). Participation as the Essence of Good Governance: Some General Reflections and a Case Study on the Arctic Council. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 8, 139-159.


Poto, M. (2016). Participatory rights of indigenous peoples: the virtuous example of the Arctic region. Environmental Law and Management, 28(2), 81-89.


Lohse, E.J., & Poto M. (Eds), In cooperation with Parola, G. (2015). Participatory Rights in the Environmental Decision-Making Process and the Implementation of the Aarhus Convention: A Comparative Perspective. Duncker & Humblot.


Parola, G. (2013). Environmental Democracy at the Global Level: Rights and Duties for a New Citizenship. De Gruyter Open Poland.

Parola, G. (2013). Europe in Green: European Environmental Democracy. De Gruyter Open Poland.