Fieldwork Code of Conduct
The first version of this Fieldwork Code of Conduct (FCoC) was developed in spring 2022 by the JEDI Early Career Professionals group, together with other employees at the Department of Geosciences and with the support of the department leadership. The main goals of the FCoC are 1) to provide a safe and inclusive working environment for all team members participating in fieldwork, 2) to facilitate effective communication between team members, and 3) to ensure that all those participating in fieldwork have access to the necessary support and resources in the case of interpersonal conflicts of any nature. On this page you find the FCoC and additional resources related to the FCoC.
Fieldwork Code of Conduct
- English version (Last updated: May 26th, 2023)
- Norsk versjon (Sist oppdatert: 26. mai, 2023)
*This is a living document. Please contact us if you have any comments or feedback.
Available resources at UiT
Online preventive training and advice on what to do in an emergency: https://www.sikresiden.no/
Emergency phone numbers: https://uit.no/om/beredskap
Online portal with information about how to report harassment: https://uit.no/si-ifra
Reporting HMS/HSE (Helse, Miljø, Sikkerhet/Health, Safety, Environment) non-conformance and personal injury: www.kunnskapscim.no/uit.
- HMS-avvik og personskader
- HSE non-conformance and personal injury
- Students should report HSE non-conformance via their lecturer, supervisor, or student adviser.
UiT IG verneombud (safety representative)
- Margrethe Lindqvist: margrethe.lindquist@uit.no, +4777625153
- Jan Sverre Laberg: jan.laberg@uit.no, +47 77 64 44 56 (stedfortreder/substitute)
Respect for local peoples and the environment
Ethical Rock Collection Policy - Scotland's Geodiversity Charter
The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace - Leave No Trace
Fjellvettreglene / The Norwegian Mountain Code - The Norwegian Red Cross and the Norwegian Trekking Association
Ocean Best practices repository - Database of best practice material and guidelines for marine fieldwork
UN guide to Marine Scientific Research - UN legislation for marine scientific research. Most relevant are pp 18-25 and pp 28-32. Conduct during marine scientific research starts at p. 30
Ethical recommendations for ocean observation - Barbier et al. (2018)
Guidelines for fieldwork involving local and/or indigenous people - The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (2000)
Toilet stops and menstruation in the field
Toilet stops in the field: An educational primer and recommended best practices for field-based teaching - Sarah Greene et al. (2020)
Menstruation in the field - AntarcticGlaciers.org blog post by Bethan Davies and Becky McCerery (2022)
The geological period that no one talks about: menstruation in the field - EGU Blog by Robyn Pickering and Rivoningo Khosa (2023)
5D Bystander Intervention Strategies (Distract, be Direct, Delegate, Delay, non-verbal Disapproval)
Bystander Intervention Strategies (5D) - Government of Canada
Fieldwork Code of Conducts used for developing this FCoC
The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Field Code of Conduct
International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Field Code of Conduct
The JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) Policy: Code of Conduct
Fieldwork preparation
INTERACT Fieldwork Planning Handbook (Also available as e-book) - Developed by the International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT) Station Manager’s Forum, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) (2019)
INTERACT Practical Field Guide - Developed by the International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT) Station Manager’s Forum, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) (2019)
Safety and Belonging in the Field: A Checklist for Educators - Greene et al. (2021)
Ten Steps to Protect BIPOC Scholars in the Field - Anadu, Ali, and Jackson (2020)
Additional resources
Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet (LDO) - Diskriminert eller trakassert på jobb - Equality and anti-discrimination ombud official website (collection of information about laws and procedures regarding equality, equity and harassment in Norwegian workplaces)