Travel reimbursement forms

Travel reimbursement forms

Travel and expenses for non-employees


  • Travel expenses claim should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than one month after the travel has ended.
  • Non-employees who has agreed to have travel related expenses covered by UiT must submit a manual travel bill with receipts that document the expenses.
  • All expenses must be agreed in advance with the responsible person at UiT. According to the government's travel regulations, UiT do not pay subsistence allowance to non-employees.

Payment to non-employee with foreign bank account:

  • The information on the form is correct and complete.
  • Receipts for all expenses are enclosed. The receipt must show what you have paid for. A bank statement who only show the amount payed will not be good enough.
  • The form has been signed by a person at UiT with power of attorney to do so.
  • The cost is correctly posted (Cost center must be submitted. Project number and analysis, if applicable).

Writing the form:

  • Make sure the information submitted is correct and complete. Full name is the same as in the passport
  • A copy of the passport, in colour, is enclosed
  • Receipts for all expenses are enclosed. The receipt must show what you have paid for. A bank statement who only show the amount payed will not be good enough
  • The form has been signed by a person at UiT with power of attorney (BDM) The cost is correctly posted (cost centre must be filled in. Project number and analysis, if applicable).

Why do we need a copy of the passport?

Passport number is used as an identifier for those who do not have Norwegian personal identification number or active D number.

Payouts are made three times a month, around the 12th, 20th and 30th.


Travel and subsistence claim form

Account information - payments abroad


Advance payment

Reisebestillere ved fakulteter og enheter

Page administrator: Indrevoll, Idar
created: 29.02.2020 18:03