Housing for rent
UiT has a limited number of flats for rent, which are primarily intended for new employees who are moving to Tromsø. We also have short term rental/guest house available primarily for guests at the UIT.
- Breiviklia 13: Short term (1 week–2 months)
- Includes 22 twin bedsits (i.e. two rooms sharing one bathroom and kitchen facilities) as well as one small flat which is adapted to someone with a physical disability/a wheelchair user.
- The bedsits are rented out for a minimum of one week and a maximum of two months depending on capacity.
- All the flats are equipped with linens/duvet/pillow, towels and basic kitchenware. There is also a laundry room on each floor.
- WIFI available in all rooms via uit.guest
- The price for one room: NOK 7 500/one month, NOK 6 000/three weeks, NOK 4 500/two weeks, NOK 2 500/one week.
- Breiviklia is available for any guests at the UiT(students, visitors, guestlecturer, workers etc.)
- To apply for room in Breiviklia (max 2 months rental period) send an e-mail to: Housing.tromso@uit.no
- There are no parking available at Breiviklia 13.
- Guest researcher - 2–6 months' rental period
- Fully furnished and equipped apartments mainly reserved for guest researcher.
- Fill in Application on the buttom of this page to apply for Apartment
- Long Term – 1 year rental period
- Employees who are living in Tromsø at the time of appointment will not be allocated a flat.
- Number of applicants is larger than number of flats - we therefore urge all of our applicants to search for accommodation elsewhere, even if you have applied with us.
- Most of our apartments are partly furnished, i.e. appliances such as a fridge and a stove, some of our apartments are fully furnished.
- Permanent employees or PhD students receive a one-year rental contract, no extensions.
- Standard rental contracts may be terminated upon 30 days’ notice.
- We do not provide an overview of our rental housing due to the continuously changing availability of housing and housing needs
- To apply for long term rental please use the application form at the end of this page.
- Applications are processed continuously. You may not apply for a particular flat or location, as we have to concider availability.
- We will however try to pay attention to requests which the applicant has stated in his/her application.
- Applications are filled in and sent to housing.tromso@uit.no along with proof of employment (contract or offer letter).
- Application form:
- Keys can be picked up at Driftssentralen room 102
Our housing Office is in general open from 08-11:30. We might not always be available during the opening hours so please send us an e-mail.
- Keys can be picked up at Driftssentralen room 102
- housing.tromso@uit.no
- HousingApplicationUiT
- Parking UiT Breivika
- MazeMap