Border Crossing and Cultural Production: presentations
A list of academic presentations and conference panels resulting from Work Package 10 of the EUBORDERSCAPES project.

Academic presentations
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure. "The Art of Borders". Keynote, 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Border Culture and Art". 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Re-Imagining Border Policies: Sectorial Approaches in Comparative Perspective Between Europe and the Americas". Invited lecture, Indiana University South Bend & Notre-Dame University, Center for Peace Studies, 04.2015.
---. "Visualizing and anti-visualizing borders". Key speaker, workshop The politics of visualization. Vision, vigilance and violence in border surveillance, security policies and mobility management, University of Amsterdam, 28-29.05.2015.
---. "Border Aesthetics: Art along/across borders". Invited panel contribution, Border Studies International Symposium Contested Territories - Sovereignty, Tourism and Aesthetics, Kyosho, 23.11.2015.
---. "Les frontières, lieu/locus d'une post-politique des images". Séminaire automnal du BAL sur les Usages géopolitiques des Images, Paris, 19-20.10.2015.
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure, and Sarah Mekdjian. “An Anti-Atlas of lived borders. Sharing the sensitivity of cartographer-migrants”. AntiAtlas des Frontières / AntiAtlas of Borders, Aix-en-Provence, 30.9-2.10.2013.
---. "Do mobile borders need mobile maps? Cartographic interfaces and radical border studies". 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. “Crossing Maps: A Counter-Mapping Project between Art and Sciences of Contemporary Border-Crossings”. Symposium Art and Geopolitical Borders: Contested Sovereignty and Art Practice, Manchester School of Art, 20.11.2015.
---. "Crossing Maps: A Counter-Mapping Project between Art and Sciences of Contemporary Border-Crossings". EUBORDERSCAPES Policy and Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure, and Victor Konrad. "Border Culture: A Critical Framework for the Borders in Globalization Project", Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Conference, Borders in the XXI century: Border Institutions and Governance, Reno, 13-16.04.2016.
Barthelemy, Fabien "Artists Moving in Europe: International Mobility of European Artists and European Cultural Policies Supporting Artistic Mobility". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
Brambilla, Chiara, "Exploring the Critical Potential of the Borderscapes Concept: The Case of Euro/African Borderscapes". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
---. "Borderscapes Euro/Africani e Soggettività Politiche dei Migranti attraverso il Mediterraneo. Esperienze artistiche e culturali contro-egemoniche dal LampedusaInFestival", ESCAPES, Transiti, barriere, libertà: cercare rifugio nel Mediterraneo e in Europa, University of Milan-Bicocca, 10-11.04.2014.
---. "Exploring the Migration-Border Nexus In and Around Africa Through the Borderscapes Lens". 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Euro/African Borderscapes and Migrants’ Political Subjectivities Across the Mediterranean: Counter-Hegemonic Cultural and Artistic Experiences from the LampedusaInFestival". 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 9-13.06.2014.
---. "Navigating the Euro/African Border and Migration Nexus Through the Borderscape Lens", conference The Art of Bordering: The Art of Bordering: Economies, Performances and Technologies of Migration Control, MAXXI, Rome, 26.10.2014.
---. "Dal confine come metodo del capitale al paesaggio di confine come metodo per un’opposizione geografica al capitalismo e una nuova immaginazione (geo)politica". Capitalismo e territorialità le diciassette contraddizioni di David Harvey, Società Geografica Italiana, Rome, 25.05.2015.
---. "Exploring the conceptual and methodological potential of the borderscaping approach: with a focus on the border-migration nexus in the Mediterranean", contribution to plenary panel "Location and Dislocations of Borders: Theoretical Discussion", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
---. "Ripensare il nesso frontiere-migrazioni nel Mediterraneo con la lente analitica del borderscaping: un’esplorazione multi-situata della frontiera italo/tunisina 'oltre la linea'", lecture with showing of “Houdoud al bahr | The Mediterranean Frontiers. Mazara - Mahdia”, University of Bergamo, 19.11.2015.
---. “Navigating the Euro/African Border and Migration Nexus through the Borderscape Lens: A Multi-sited Exploration of the Italian/Tunisian Borderscape ‘Beyond the Line’”, lecture with showing of “Houdoud al bahr | The Mediterranean Frontiers. Mazara - Mahdia”, Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, SOAS, University of London, 02.12.2015.
---. "Il confine come borderscape: un’esplorazione multi-situata del borderscape italo/tunisino”, lecture with showing of “Houdoud al bahr | The Mediterranean Frontiers. Mazara - Mahdia”, University of Bergamo, 10.12.2015.
---. "Rethinking Mediterranean Neighbourhood Imaginaries through the Borderscaping Lens: A Multi-sited Exploration of the Italian/Tunisian Borderscape ‘Beyond the Line’", EUBORDERSCAPES 3rd Scientific Conference, Borderscapes and Beyond: Change and Continuities in Thinking, Writing, Making Borders, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28-29.01.2016.
---. "Exploring the Conceptual and Methodological Potential of the Borderscaping Approach: With a Focus on the Border-Migration Nexus in the Mediterranean", keynote, symposium Borderscape as an Interdisciplinary Concept, Université du Luxembourg, 08-09.04.2016.
Espiñeira, Keina, Xavier Ferrer-Gallardo and Abel Albet-Mas. “Shots from the Spanish-Moroccan Border: Contested Visualizations of the Euro-African Borderscape”. 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier, Abel Albet-Mas and Keina Espiñeira. “Expanding Limboscapes: The Spreading Constellation of Migrant Detention Centres across. EU Space”. European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013. 29.
---. “Performing Punta Tarifa: Geopolitics of Uneven Confinement in Europe’s Ultimate Peninsula”. Re-Mapping Tangier: Fractured Mobilities, New Borders (National Geographic), Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), 31.05.2013.
Meier, Daniel, "(B)ordering the edge of the state : the case of South Lebanon", Séminaire de recherche, Department of Ethnology, University of Lucerne, 03.12.205
---, "Bordering the Middle East: Some Conceptual Reflexions", The London International Boundary Conference Exploring an Integrated Approach to International Boundary and Territorial Questions, Royal Geographical Society/King’s College, London, 01-02.12.2015.
---, "La frontière du Sud-Liban: Espace de confrontation régional", Festival de géopolitique, Grenoble, 12-15.03.2015.
---, "From Frontline to Borderscape: The Hizbullah Memorial Museum in South Lebanon", guest lecture, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 23.01.2015.
---. "Borderscapes as a means for resistance: The Hizbullah Memorial Museum in South of Lebanon", EUBORDERSCAPES 3rd Scientific Conference Borderscapes and Beyond: Change and Continuities in Thinking, Writing, Making Borders, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28-29.01.2016.
---. "B/ordering the edge of the State: the case study of South Lebanon", ANSO Colloquium, The Graduate Institute of Geneva, 01.03.2016.
Mekdjian, Sarah, and Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary. "Crossing Maps: A Counter-Mapping Project between Art and Sciences of Contemporary Border-Crossings", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
Németh, Ágnes. "Immigrant “others” and artistic expression: World Village Festival, Helsinki". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
---, "Borders in Sidelight: Immigrant Writers in Finland". 1st Association of Borderland Studies World Conference Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Immigrant “others” and artistic expression: (de- )bordering via festivals and social activism in Finland", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
Nyman, Jopi. “Transnational Spaces and Identities in Caryl Phillips’s Dancing in the Dark”. Caribbean Research Seminar in the North. University of Central Lancashire. 01.02.2013.
---. “Bordering and Borderscapes in Jamal Mahboub’s ‘Last Thoughts on the Medusa’ (2008). European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders. University of Bergamo, Italy. 03-05.07.2013.
---. ”Culinary Border Crossings in British Asian Autobiographical Writing by Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Rohan Candappa, and Hardeep Singh Kohli.” 9th Biennial MESEA Conference Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations. Saarland University, Germany. 29.05.-01.06.2014.
---. “Borders, Borderscapes, and Border-Crossing Romances in Contemporary Migrant Writing in Finland.” 1st Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses. Joensuu and St Petersburg. 09.-13.06.2014.
---. "Belonging, Borderscapes, and Popular Music in Black British Writing", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
---. "Sonic Borderscapes in Black British Fiction and Contemporary Film", EUBORDERSCAPES 3rd Scientific Conference, Borderscapes and Beyond: Change and Continuities in Thinking, Writing, Making Borders, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28-29.01.2016.
---. ”Borderscapes, Music, and Jamal Mahjoub”, 10th Biennial MESEA Conference, Warsaw, 21-24.06.2016.
Pötzsch, Holger. "iBorder". The Information Society at the Crossroads, TU Vienna, 03-06.06.2015
---, "The Emergence of iWar: Changing Practices and Perceptions of Warfare in a Digital Era". Sensing War, London, 12-13.6.2014.
---. "iBorder: Bordering Bodies, Networks, and Machines". ABS World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Seeing and Thinking Borders". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
---. "Art Across Borders: Dislocating Artistic and Curatorial Practices in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region". EuPRA-conference, The Framing of Europe: Peace Perspectives on Europe's Future, Tromsø, 02-04.09.2015.
Ristolainen, Mari. "The Written Borders of New Russia", Association of Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting Border Studies and the New World (Dis)order: Relating Theories and Practice, Portland, 08-11.04.2015.
---. "The written borders of ”New Russia” at war and peace", EuPRA-conference, The Framing of Europe: Peace Perspectives on Europe's Future, Tromsø, 02-04.09.2015.
Rouviere, Laetitia. "Visual production in the Franco-‐‑Valdo-‐‑Genevan Agglomeration: INTERREG IV France / Switzerland Program. The Travelling Exhibition “Visions Transfrontalières” and the PACT Project". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders. University of Bergamo, Italy. 03-05.07.2013.
Saez, Guy, "Political and Cultural Border Governance: A Tentative Model". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders. University of Bergamo, Italy. 03-05.07.2013.
Schimanski, Johan. "Reading Changing Border Concepts in Published Immigrant Narratives: Roda Ahmed and Amal Aden", European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
---. "Representation-Fiction at Borders: Response to Discussion". AntiAtlas des Frontières / AntiAtlas of Borders, Aix-en-Provence, 30.09-02.10.2013.
---. "Humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og grenser". Fredagskvarteret, Department of Social Sciences, Sogn og Fjordane University College, Sogndal, 05.11.2013
---. "Reading Changing Border Concepts in Published Immigrant Narratives: Nasim Karim and Romeo Gill". Border Code, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 06-08.11.2013
---. "Liminal spaces of migration and writing: Marie Amelie’s Ulovlig norsk", International Seminar on Liminality and Text 7 Genres, Media and the Liminal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 12-14.05.14.
---. "Changing Border Concepts in Published Immigrant Narratives in Norway and Sweden". 1st Assocation of Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Border Culture: Aesthetics/Poetics/Literatures". ABS World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses, Joensuu & St. Petersburg, 09-13.06.2014.
---. "Border Figures and Border Landscapes in Published Immigrant Narratives in Norway and Sweden", Borders and Landscapes: The Edges of Allegory, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 31.10.2014.
---. "Grensefigurer i publisette innvandrerfortellinger på norsk. En litteraturviter snakker til samfunnsvitere." Litteraturvitenskap nå! National Comparative Literature seminar, 21.11.2014.
---. "Current research on borders and on the Arctic; introduction to a documentary with Nadine Gordimer". Ph.D. Forum, Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo, 10.02.2015
---. "Disrupting Nordic Borders: Postcolonial Border Concepts in Contemporary Swedish Migrant Fiction", Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting Border Studies and the New World (Dis)order: Relating Theories and Practice, Portland, 08-11.04.2015.
---. "Can Border Narratives Change Public Conceptions of Borders? The Norwegian–Somali Borderscape in Literature, Public Debate and Knowledge Production", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
---. "Visibility and Invisibility in Recent Published Migrant Narratives in Norwegian", EUBORDERSCAPES 3rd Scientific Conference, Borderscapes and Beyond: Change and Continuities in Thinking, Writing, Making Borders, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28-29.01.2016.
---. "Seasons of Migration to the North: Northern Discourses in Published Migrant Narratives in Norwegian" , Second ENTICE International Conference, Going North: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication, Østfold University College, Halden, 4-5.02.2016.
---. "Å vandre inn i (og ut av) litteraturen", keynote, Nationell ämneskonferens i litteraturvetenskap Litteraturvetenskapens gränsöverskridanden, Karlstads universitet, 12-13.05.2016.
---. "Forbudt kjærlighet: Grenseoverskridelser i Romeo Gill og Roda Ahmed", seminar and dinner in honour of Professor Ragnhild Reinton "Kjærlighet", University of Oslo, 19.05.2016.
---. "Reading from the Border: Implications for Literary Studies", symposium The Future of Literary Studies, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 14.-15.06.2016.
Schimanski, Johan, Victor Konrad, Chiara Brambilla, Jopi Nyman and others. ”Borders and Cultural Production”. Roundtable with interventions from project teams, EUBORDERSCAPES Final Project Conference, Berlin, 26-27.05.2016.
Schimanski, Johan and Stephen Wolfe. "Doing Border Aesthetics: Three Examples". EUBORDERSCAPES Workshop III, University of Bergamo, 02-03.07.2013.
Wolfe, Stephen. "New Concepts in the Border Imaginary: Borderscapes, Bordering and Ordering and Border Narratives". Pluralism, Democracy, Justice seminar, Department of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 26.02.2013.
---. "Waking the Dead – Bordercrossings, Memoryscapes and Righting/Re-writing History", Crossing Borders, TRAMS Seminar Series, University of Copenhagen, 16-17.05.2013.
---. "Imagining Migrant Worlds in Material Cultures: Border Crossing Figures and Tropes". European Border Studies Conference, Mapping Conceptual Change in Thinking European Borders, University of Bergamo, 03-05.07.2013.
---. "Imagining Migrant Worlds and Material Cultures: Border Crossing Figures and Tropes". Border Code, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 06-08.11.2013.
---. "'Edge Writing': Imaginary Geographies of Waiting at the Border". Borders and Bordering Seminar, Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, University of East London, 30.09-01.10.2013
---. "Long before the Narrative fell into place: Landscapes, Space and Place”, Borders and Landscapes: The Edges of Allegory, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 31.10.2014.
---. "A Border Poetics of Passages: Transnational Communities of Writers in London in the 1980s", Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting Border Studies and the New World (Dis)order: Relating Theories and Practice, Portland, 08-11.04.2015.
---. "‘And All that Black British Jazz’: Belonging and Making Spatial Boundaries", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
---. "'Formulating Jazzy Lexicons': Bordering and Debordering Race, Gender and Migration in Jackie Kay’s novel, Trumpet", EUBORDERSCAPES 3rd Scientific Conference, Borderscapes and Beyond: Change and Continuities in Thinking, Writing, Making Borders, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28-29.01.2016.
---. "The Enigma of Arrivals: Facing North while Remembering South", 12th Triennial Conference for the Nordic Association of English Studies (NAES) Englishes and Changing Identities in the North, University of Agder, Kristiansand, 04-06.05.2016.
Conference panels and seminars
“Mediterranean Disputes”, ESCAPES, Transiti, barriere, libertà: cercare rifugio nel Mediterraneo e in Europa, University of Milan-Bicocca, 10-11.04.2014. Organizer: Chiara Brambilla.
“Bordering Imaginary Europes.” 9th Biennial MESEA Conference, Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations. Saarland University. 29.05.-01.06.2014. Organizers: Jopi Nyman, Sissy Helff, Elisabeth Bekers, and Maggie Ann Bowers.
“Bordercrossings and Borderscapes in Migrant Narratives and Arts”. 1st Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses. Joensuu and St Petersburg. 09-13.06.2014. Organizer: Jopi Nyman.
"A Conversation about Border Culture". 1st Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference, Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses. Joensuu and St Petersburg. 09-13.06.2014. Organizer: Victor Konrad.
"Bordering Europe in the Cultural Sphere" EuPRA-conference, The Framing of Europe: Peace Perspectives on Europe's Future, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 02-04.09.2015. Organizers: Holger Pötzsch and the Border Culture Research Group.
International Seminar on Liminality and Text 7, Genres, Media and the Liminal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 12-14.05.2014. Organizers: Johan Schimanski, Stephen Wolfe and the Border Culture Research Group.
Borders and Landscapes: The Edges of Allegory, seminar, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 31.10.2014. Organizers: Stephen Wolfe and the Border Culture Research Group.
"Boundaries and Identity Spaces in the Contemporary Middle East" panels 1 & 2, XII SeSaMO conference, Beyond the Arab Uprisings: Rediscovering the MENA Region, University Ca’Foscari, Venice, 16-17.01.2015. Organizers: Daniel Meier and Marina Calculli.
L’exil est-il audible?, colloquium, Musée Dauphinois, Grenoble, 28.03.2015. Organizers: Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary and Sarah Mekdjian.
"Border Crossing to a New World Order: Working with Border Aesthetics Theory", Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting Border Studies and the New World (Dis)order: Relating Theories and Practice, Portland 08-11.04.2015. Organizers: Stephen Wolfe and the Border Culture Research Group.
Lebanon Facing the Arab Uprisings. Between Internal Challenges and External Threats, workshop, IFPO/Orient-Institute, Beirut, 26.05.2015. Organizers: Daniel Meier and Rosita Di Peri.
Imagining Europes: A Symposium, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 30.10.2015. Organizer: Jopi Nyman.
"Migrant Writing and Popular Culture", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015. Organizer: Stephen Wolfe.
"Art and Cultural Representation Across Borders", EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015. Organizer: Stephen Wolfe.
EUBORDERSCAPES (290775) is Funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-SSH-2011-1), Area 4.2.1 The evolving concept of borders.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway contributes to the EUBORDERSCAPES through Border Poetics / Border Culture research group.
Border Culture blog