Border Crossing and Cultural Production: Outreach
Public dissemination of research within the Work Package 10 of the EUBORDERSCAPES project.

Newspaper articles
Brambilla, Chiara. "Italia-Tunisia: docu-film esplora concetto di 'frontiera'". Interview by ANSAmed. ANSAmed, 10.02.2016. Reprinted as "Italia-Tunisia: Film documentario 'Houdoud Al Bahr, I confini del Mare Mazara-Mahdia': Docu-film esplora concetto di 'frontiera'". Tele8, 10.02.2016.
Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier. "El controlador controlado". El Faro de Ceuta. date?
---. "La dramaturgia fronteriza". Público. 04.09.2012.
---. "Sarna". Ceuta al Día. 22.12.2013.
---. "Vídeos de frontera". Ceuta al Día. 02.01.2014.
---. "Roca y burbuja". Público. 19.07.2014.
---. "¿Hay más nacimientos en Ceuta que en el resto de la UE?". Ceuta al Día. 13.09.2015.
---. "Diplomacia de concertina". Ceuta al Día. 19.09.2015.
---. "Reparto y muerte de refugiados". Ceuta al Día. 23.09.2015.
---. "Destellos en la oscuridad (Siria 2011-2015)". Ceuta al Día. 05.10.2015.
---. "Elecciones Generales en Ceuta. ¿Un sistema proporcional forzosamente mayoritario?". Ceuta al Día 08.10.2015.
---. "Ceuta y el Senado". Ceuta al Día. 12.10.2015.
---. "Recuento de víctimas". Ceuta al Día. 26.10.2015.
---. "Llegadas". Ceuta al Día. 01.11.2015.
---. "Estigmatizaciones preventivas". Ceuta al Día. 15.11.2015.
---. "¿Invasión y sobrepoblación?". Ceuta al Día. 17.11.2015.
---. "Elecciones Generales en Gibraltar". Ceuta al Día. 28.11.2015.
---. "Menos ceutíes". Ceuta al Día. 04.12.2015.
---. “Siria: esperando la apertura de la verja”. Ceuta al Día. 11.02.2016.
---. “El árabe del futuro”. Público. 28.02.2016.
---. “La Primavera de los Árabes”. Ceuta al Día. 19.04.2016.
---. “Koralovski. El oligarca”. Ceuta al Día. 25.04.2016.
Ristolainen, Mari. "Rajanainen". Interview by Laura Määttänen (photo Lauri Rotko). Sunnuntaisuomalainen, Sunday supplement of four newspapers: Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, 03.05.2015: 15; Karjalainen, 03.05.2015: 17; Keskisuomalainen, 3.5.2015: 9; Savon Sanomat, 03.05.2015: 35.
Magazine articles
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure. "Le border art fait le mur". De ligne en ligne (Revue de la Bibliothèque du Centre Pompidou, Paris) 18 (2015): 5-7.
---. "Arte e confini". InTransformazione 4.2 (2015): 43-48.
Brambilla, Chiara. "Il confine come borderscape". InTrasformazione 4.2 (2015): 5-9.
Brambilla, Chiara, and Holger Pötzsch. "iBorder, Borderscapes, Bordering: A Conversation – Chiara Brambilla and Holger Pötzsch". Society and Space open site. 06.05.2015.
Espiñeira, Keina. "Me interesa explorar el nexo entre arte y política". Interviewed by Manu Yáñez. Otros Cines Europa. 28.01.2016.
Meier, Daniel. "Le Sud-Liban, un espace structuré par les confrontations". Moyen-Orient 28 Octobre-Décembre (2015): 66-71.
Blog posts and newsletter texts
Work package blog: Border Culture
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure and Sarah Mekdjian. "Carte à la une: les frontières vues du sol et du ciel, navigation dans un itinéraire migratoire". Géoconfluences. 2015.
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure, Cédric Parizot, James Scott "and many others". "antiAtlas of Borders: A Conference and Two Exhibitions". EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 3 (2013): 2-3.
Brambilla, Chiara. "'Navigating Euro/African Borderscapes At and Across the Mediterranean' & 'Migration and Bordering In and Around Africa' – EUBORDERSCAPES Project Sessions at the ABS 2014 World Conference". EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 4 (2014): 5-6.
---. "Dissemination Seminar THINKING + ACTING + INHABITING ZINGONIA". EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 5 (2015): 6-7.
---. "Houdoud al bahr | The Mediterranean Frontiers: Mazara – Mahdia (Italy, 2015)". Border Culture blog. 06.01.2016.
---. "Educational Workshops in Lampedusa with Children of the Island on their Border Imaginaries". Border Culture blog. 06.01.2016.
---. “Culture, Migration and Policy in Multilevel European Borderscapes”. Border Culture blog, 30.03.2016.
---. “Bordering or Borderscapes? New Migrant Agencies”. EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 6 (2016): 7-11
---. “Thinking/Acting/Inhabiting the Borderland ‘Between’”. EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 6 (2016): 15-16.
Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier, and Lorenzo Gabrielli. “Ceuta and Melilla as a Euro-African Borderscape”. EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 6 (2016): 5-7.
Mekdjian, Sarah and Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary. "Crossing maps: spaces of never-ending arrival" / "Cartographies traverses, des espaces où l’on ne finit jamais d’arriver". Visionscarto, 2015. / "Crossing Maps: an art/science mapping project of contemporary border-crossings". Border Culture blog, 15.12.2015.
Schimanski, Johan. "WP 10: (Cultural Production) and employing the Borderscapes metaphor". EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 3 (2013): 5.
---. "Grenseforsking for 68 millionar kroner". Interview by Sigrun Høgetveit Berg, 04.07.2012.
---. "Forståinga vår av grenser er i rask endring". Interview by Sigrun Høgetveit Berg, 29.05.2013.
---. "Borders, Policy and Creativity". Border Culture blog. 15.12.2015.
---. "What is a Border Figure?". Border Culture blog. 22.03.2016.
---. “What is a Border Figure?”. EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 6 (2016): 11-12.
Schimanski, Johan, and Stephen Wolfe. "Report on the ‘Border Aesthetics’ conference, University of Tromsø, Tromsø 5–8 September 2012". EUBORDERSCAPES Newsletter 2 (2013): 4-5.
Lecture videos
Brambilla, Chiara. “Exploring the conceptual and methodological potential of the borderscaping approach: with a focus on the border-migration nexus in the Mediterranean”. Conference presentation video, EUBORDERSCAPES Policy & Impact Conference, Borderscapes: Borders and Bordering in Contemporary Europe, University of East London, 10-12.11.2015.
Schimanski, Johan. "Representation-Fiction at Borders". Conference presentation video, antiAtlas of Borders, 30.9-02.10.2013.
Amilhat Szary, Anne-Laure, Sarah Mekdjian and Gladeema Nasruddin. An Anti-Atlas of lived borders. Sharing the sensitivity of cartographer-migrants / Un anti-atlas des frontières vécues: Partager la sensibilité des migrants-cartographes, Conference presentation video, antiAtlas of Borders, 30.09-02.10.2013.
Schimanski, Johan. "Grenser i innvandringslitteratur på norsk". Teaching slides video with audio commentary. 31 min. University of Oslo, 2016.
Social media
Updates on the facebook groups for Border Aesthetics and EUBORDERSCAPES, also The Mobile Borders / La Frontière Mobile - BRIT network, Fronteras Latinoamericanas, antiAtlas of Borders, etc.
Updates on twitter by @bordaesth.
Exhibitions and Fora
Cineforum within the border enclave of Ceuta (part of EUBORDERSCAPES Work Package 5 in collaboration with Work Package 10), with involvement of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
"Crossing map project" exhibitions, with involvement of Centre national de la recherche scientifique/Pacte:
"Cartographie en mouvement", Espace Convivi'âge, Grenoble, for the World Refugees Day, exhibition organized by the ADA association (Accueil Demandeurs d'Asile), 20.06.2013.
"Crossing Maps/Cartographies Traverses", with Marie Moreau, Fabien Fischer, Lauriane Houbey, participation to the collective exhibition of the "Anti-Atlas of Borders", Musée des Tapisseries, Aix-en-Provence, 01.10-03.11.2013.
"Cartographies traverses", with Marie Moreau, Lauriane Houbey, Mabeye Deme, Fabien Fischer, within the Migrant'Scène festival, organized by Cimade, café A l'Affût/Ecole de la Paix/café l'Atypik, rue Très-Cloîtres, Grenoble, 18.11-01.12.2013.
"Frontières et Migrations", Researchers, professional experts and artists cross their gazes, Université de Genève, organized by Cristina Del Biaggio, 16-28.09.2014.
"Cartographies Traverses”, exposition au musée Pierre Noël/ Festival international de Géographie de St Dié des Vosges, 03-04.10.2014.
"Cartographies traverses: des espaces où l'on ne finit jamais d'arriver", Migrant'scene festival; Valence, 13-28.11.2015.
"Rêver d'un autre monde. Représentations du migrant dans l'art contemporain", Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation, Lyon, avec le fond d'art contemporain du Musée National de l'Immigration-Paris, 04.02-29.05.2016
“Houdoud al bahr | I Confini del Mare” exhibition, Chiara Brambilla and Rita Ceresoli, with involvement of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Sala alla Porta S. Agostino, Bergamo 01-05.07.2016. - Report for Museums and Migration blog.
Public presentations
Brambilla, Chiara. “The Memory of the Sea. Objects Migrating within the Mediterranean”. Short presentation at travelling exhibition. GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, 03.07.2014.
Meier, Daniel. "Bordering the Middle East: Concepts and Challenges". Lecture at Lebanon Support, Beirut, 04.06.2016.
Nyman, Jopi. Introduction and Discussion Leader at the Screening of Merzak Allouache's Film Harragas. Filmborders III: Africa film series, Writing Cultures and Traditions at Borders Research Project (dir. Tuulikki Kurki), University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 02.04.2014.
---. Public interview with Professor Jukka Korpela (UEF) on Korpela’s new book Länsimaisen yhteiskunnan juurilla – Jumalan laista oikeusvaltion syntyyn [The Roots of Western Society: From the Law of God to the Birth of the Constutional State]. Suomalainen kirjakauppa (The Finnish Bookstore), Joensuu, 07.11.2015.
Schimanski, Johan. "Litteratur og grenser". Seminar for creative writing students. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 22.01.2014.
---. "Reisen til Norge: Generasjon 1,5 forteller". Lecture at open day for school pupils. University of Oslo, 12.03.2015.
Schimanski, Johan, Keina Espiñeira, Karin Kukkonen and Lill-Ann Körber, “Er grenser fiksjoner? Grenser i litteratur og film”. Public discussion, Forskningsdagene/National Research Days, University of Oslo/Litteraturhuset, Oslo 26.09.2016. With showing of "The Colour of the Sea: A Filmic Border Experience in Ceuta". - announcement - facebook event - news item - photos
LIT4300 "Literary Theory Seminar: Borders, Liminality, Literature". Masters course in comparative literature. University of Oslo, 2014. Organizer: Johan Schimanski.
LIT4360 "Literary Text Seminar II: Immigration Literature". Masters course in comparative literature. University of Oslo, 2016. Organizer: Johan Schimanski.
HIF/ENG-3150 “Border-Crossing Narratives”, Interdisciplinary masters course, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2016. Organizer: Stephen Wolfe.
EUBORDERSCAPES (290775) is Funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-SSH-2011-1), Area 4.2.1 The evolving concept of borders.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway contributes to the EUBORDERSCAPES through Border Poetics / Border Culture research group.
Border Culture blog