Focal Point North: Network, indigenous institutions and knowledge production.


Focal Point North at Centre for Sami Studies have two scholarships:
- Master scholarships for students who take a two-year degree at UiT
- Guest scholarships for shorter periods for employees at partner institutions.

The purpose of the scholarship is to facilitate for people who want to stay at UiT Norges Arctic university to specialize in professional activities that are relevant to their workplace and Focal Point Norths thematic focus. Through this scholarship the Centre for Sami Studies also wish to strengthen the knowledge base on indigenous peoples in the Barents region in educational programmes at UiT and to establish strong professional networks that will provide the basis for the development of new research.


Scholarships for research visits at UiT for the project period 2014–2016. (Application period closed!)

Awarded scholarships:

Fall 2014: Lukas Kosner, Simon Pavall and Siv-Eli Vuolab

This page is also available in Norwegian

Page administrator: Broderstad, Else Grete
Last updated: 22.11.2021 14:18