Transformation to a Renewable & Smart Rural Power System Community


The Team:

Prof. T. Boström, scientific project coordinator, current director of ARC, renewable energy, IFT, NT, UiT

Prof. M. Chiesa, strategic project coordinator, director of ARC from 2019, solar energy, IFT, NT, UiT

Assoc. prof. Y. Birkelund, wind energy, IIS, NT, UiT

Prof. HK. Hernes, society sustainable energy, ISV, HSL, UiT

Assoc. prof. B. Kristoffersen, society sustainable energy, ISV, HSL, UiT

UiT. Prof. T. Gjengedal, smart grid, IET, IVT, UiT

Troms Kraft AS, local power producer and grid operator

ARC – The Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy at UiT

Page administrator: Boström, Tobias Kristoffer
Last updated: 17.07.2019 14:40