Trial lecture and defence of thesis, Maria Madalena das Neves

Fredag 24. februar holder Maria Madalena das Neves ved Det juridiske fakultet prøveforelsning og disputerer for phd.-graden i rettsvitenskap. Maria Madalena das Neves, LL.M., will defend her dissertation on Friday 24 February. 

Velkommen til prøveforelesning og disputas på Det juridiske fakultet, for Maria Madalena das Neves: 

Sted: Aud 3

Prøveforelesning: kl. 10.15.

Tema: “How is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) likely to affect Norway's energy policy?”

Lunsj ca. 11.15


Disputas kl. 12.15:

Tittel avhandling: “The Legal Framework for Norway’s External Energy Trade and Investment Relationships”

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen: 

The Legal Framework for Norway’s External Energy Trade and Investment Relationships

The thesis provides a holistic and critical examination of the key legal framework supporting Norway’s external energy trade and investment relationships, and discusses potential reforms to that framework where shortcomings exist. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of that legal framework, of the motives behind Norway’s legislative choices, of discussions concerning the legal regime for international energy trade and investment; and contributes to discussions concerning potential reforms to that legal framework.


 Professor Martha Roggenkamp, University of Groningen

Professor Ole Kristian Fauchald, University of Oslo

Professor Magne Frostad, University of Tromsø

Velkommen! Welcome! 

When: 24.02.17 at 10.15–15.30
Where: UiT, Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: All
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When: 24.02.17 at 10.15–15.30
Where: UiT, Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: All
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