Thinking together; New directions in performing participatory research

The research group Place, Power and Mobility invites to an open workshop on participatory research.

In much of our research we are concerned with producing new possibilities; for community-based development, green transition, living with difference etc. This calls for research that not only enables imagining new alternatives, but also acting upon them. The relationship between vision and action is itself a complex set of entangled collaborative practices. In recent years, “collaborative research” has acquired considerable policy prominence. At its best, it signals a reflexive ethical awareness, invites us to consider the conditions of building trust, and speaks to critical literature on models of authorship and credit in knowledge production. Without this critical awareness, collaboration can be little more than another box to be ticked on a grant application.

How can we develop approaches in which participatory research is grounded in the recognition and negotiation of community? How do we design our research practices in ways that allows us to co-produce knowledge as an emergent process with our partners? While participatory action research focuses on researchers engaging with individuals and communities, performative approaches go a step further in calling for expanding the notion of participation to also involve more-than-human actors (St. Martin, 2015). How does broadening our understanding of agency change or shape the ‘emergent diversity’ (Boast, Turnbull, 2007) of knowledge production?

In this workshop, we want to share experiences of performing participatory research. Through specific examples of collaborative research efforts, we will discuss prosperities for change through engagement, but also the pit-falls and troubles of such engagements.


May 18th: Open workshop
Room: E 0104

11.00: Opening, by Anniken Førde
11.15: Michael Bravo (Scott Polar): Emergent diversity: Who gets to set agendas and ask research questions
12.00: Discussion

12.15: Lunsj

13.00: Britt Kramvig and Anniken Førde: ”Get real – get relevant!” Challenges of intervention in the tourism industry.
13.30: Camilla Brattland (SESAM): ): Fishers, hunters, scientists and the (new) politics of knowledge in environmental governance. 
14.00: Siv Ellen Kraft og Bjørn Ola Tafjord: Co-production of knowledge, from the local to the global

14.30: Coffée break

14.45: Open discussion on prosperities for change through engagement, but also the troubles of such engagements. Moderated by Michael Bravo
16.00: End of the open workshop

19.00: Dinner in city center

May 19th: Workshop for PhD – students
Room: B 1004

09.00- 14.00: Ph.D.-students are invited to exchange experiences and challenges of participatory work from their projects.

Michael Bravo, Anniken Førde and Britt Kramvig will assist the discussions.

Starts: 18.05.17 at 11.00
Ends: 19.05.17 at 15.00
Where: SV-HUM E0104 og B1004
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: All
Link: Klikk her
Contact: Anniken Førde

Deadline: 15.05.2017
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