The 7th Colloquium of the International Association of the Law of the Sea - Call for papers

The University of Porto, the University of Lisbon and the UiT the Arctic University of
Norway, through their Faculties of Law and the JCLOS, are pleased to announce that they
will together organize the VIIth Colloquium of the International Association of the Law
of the Sea entitled ‘GLOBAL CHALLENGES AND THE LAW OF THE SEA’, September 20-21, 2018.

The Colloquium brings together nationally and internationally renowned experts in the field
of the Law of the Sea. In addition, leading experts are invited to give keynote lectures.


OCEANÁRIO DE LISBOA | Auditório Mar da Palha

Esplanada Dom Carlos I, 1990-005 Lisboa

September 20 - 21, 2018

The University of Porto, the University of Lisbon and the UiT the Arctic University of
Norway, through their Faculties of Law and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the

Organizing Committee:
Marta Chantal Ribeiro, Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Tore Henriksen

The Colloquium is divided in three sessions, as follows:

Session I: The role of the International Organizations in the implementation and
development of the Law of the Sea

Rationale: Papers in this Session shall address and discuss legal advancements and
practice developed by international organizations, which contribute for a significant
evolution of the Law of the Sea. The goal is to assess the contribution of international
organizations for new understandings, solutions and procedures that induce a visible
progress of the regime established by UNCLOS, in 1982. Amongst other they include,
International Maritime Organization, United Nations bodies (e.g., General Assembly;
Security Council), Convention on Biological Diversity, Food and Agriculture
Organization, World Trade Organization Regional Fisheries Management
Organizations and regional conventions or agreements (e.g., Antarctica system; OSPAR
system, Barcelona System, Arctic system, European Union, etc.).

Session II: Superpowers, international courts and the Law of the Sea: challenges
for the global oceans regime

Rationale: Papers in this session shall address and discuss the interplay between
international case law and international politics. It should be assessed, in the short and
long term, the superpowers compliance with the international courts decisions and how
this affects, positively or negatively, the interpretation, implementation and
effectiveness of the Law of the Sea (e.g., Arctic Sunrise case; South China Sea case;
East Timor v. Australia on-going case).

Session III: The protection and conservation of the areas beyond national
jurisdiction: where do we stand

Rationale: Papers in this session shall address and discuss the current developments
regarding a future International Legally Binding Instrument under the UNCLOS on the
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond
National Jurisdiction (e.g., marine protected areas; EIA; genetic resources; proposals
for governance; role of the regional level; dispute resolution) or the current
developments in the exploitation of the Area and the future challenges of the
international seabed mining (e.g., environment; sponsoring States and contractors
duties; surveillance and enforcement).


Draft papers submission

Draft papers should be submitted by April 30, 2018. Please e-mail the draft paper to
Susana Silva ( and Christin Skjervold (
We anticipate that authors will be advised by June 15, 2018 if their draft paper has been
accepted for presentation.

Final papers submission

Final papers to be considered for publication in a collective volume must be submitted by
December 31, 2018.

Guidelines for papers:

Applicants are invited to submit a draft paper, including author (first name and surname),
institutional affiliation and the title of the paper, as well as an abstract (max. 350 words)
and a brief CV (max. 1 page). The official languages of the Colloquium are French,
English and Portuguese. It is, however, recommended the use of the English language.
Draft papers cannot be less than 4,000 words. Papers should not exceed 10,000
words. The manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font size,
double-spaced. Please use footnotes and not endnotes. Footnotes must be typed in Times
New Roman, 10-point font size, single-spaced. The first time a reference is given, it must
be given as completely as possible. To refer to a reference already given further above,
briefly identify the Author surname, part of the article or book title and the relevant page.

Conference fees, meals and funding

There will be no Colloquium fee. The organizing committee expects to be able to provide
lunches during the one and a half days of the Colloquium for those whose papers are
accepted as well as a Colloquium banquet. A number of grants of 300 Euros and 600
Euros will be available to speakers with papers selected on the call for papers, to be
decided by the organizing committee according to funds available, place of residence and
reasons presented for the need of funding.

Scientific Committee

Giuseppe Cataldi (President), Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Marta Chantal Ribeiro and
Tore Henriksen


Registration is now open. For more information, follow:


Inquiries with respect to papers should be directed to Marta Chantal Ribeiro


Starts: 20.09.18 at 14.00
Ends: 21.09.18 at 17.30
Where: Lisboa, Portugal
Location / Campus: Other
Target group: All
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Starts: 20.09.18 at 14.00
Ends: 21.09.18 at 17.30
Where: Lisboa, Portugal
Location / Campus: Other
Target group: All
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