ARC seminar - Katja Karppinen

The Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy (ARC) invites you to the seminar "Towards deconstruction of lignocellulosic plant biomass by mining enzymes of plant origin", held by Katja Karppinen on the 18th of May. 

Katja Karppinen will present her research and activities related to ARC in a seminar titled "Towards deconstruction of lignocellulosic plant biomass by mining enzymes of plant origin". The seminar is a physical seminar held in the ILP building, Pedagogen, 1.005, It is also possible to attend online.

Complimentary coffee and some snacks will be served.

When: 18.05.22 at 12.00–12.45
Where: Pedagogen 1.005, ILP-building
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Students, Guests, Invited, Employees
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