The Healthy Choices autumn seminar: User involvement in population research - Participation, dialogue and practice

Healthy Choices and the social gradient invite you to our Autumn Seminar on User involvement in population research – Participation, dialogue and practice.
How do we produce relevant and nuanced knowledge about what it takes to create a good life? How do we make sure that everyone is heard? And how can we work together to reduce the distance between knowledge and policy to ensure the knowledge is put into practice?
Healthy Choices and the social gradient invite researchers, colleagues, policy makers, NGOs and others to discuss how we can create framework conditions for good lives. The seminar is held partly in English.
Morning swim and sauna for the early birds at Pust Sauna Tromsø. Please bring your own suits and towels. Click here for directions.
Registration. Morning coffee.
Welcome and agenda. Inger Njølstad, Professor dr. med., Department of Community Medicine, UiT the Arctic University of Norway. Principal Investigator, Healthy Choices
Keeping generations of participants on board: Experiences from international cohort studies. Isabelle Budin Ljøsne, PhD, Senior Advisor National Institute of Public Health (NIPH)/ Biobank Norway
The HUNT for participants aged 70+. Marit Næss, PhD, MPH, Head of HUNT (The Health Study in Nord-Trøndelag) Research Centre and HUNT biobank
What defines good student lives? Siri Bjaarstad, Project Manager, In My Experience
Immigrant’s participation and perspective. Ragnhild Storstein Spilker, Senior Advisor NIPH
Coffee, tea, refreshments
Å jobbe sammen - Hvordan redusere avstand mellom kunnskap, politikk og praksis?
How CHAIN works to reduce social inequality in health. Terje Andreas Eikemo, Professor and Head of CHAIN (Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research)
How can the Norwegian Health Association (NHA) bridge the gap between knowledge and public health? Tone Torgersen, Head of Policy and Development Department, NHA
Bridging the Gap – from research to practice. Vigdis Holm, manager Sunne Kommuner - WHO European Healthy Cities Network and Maja Eilertsen, MD, Senior Advisor and PhD-student PROMENTA
Coffee, tea, refreshments
Folkehelse – forebyggende og helsefremmende arbeid omsatt til praksis. Annica Øygard, generalsekretær, Folkehelseforeningen
Kreftforeningens helsefremmende budskap – hvordan når man inn til målgruppen? Brage Larsen Sollund, distriktsleder, Kreftforeningen.
Et nordnorsk fyrtårn i folkehelsearbeidet - hva gjør Alta kommune? Gjermund Pleym Wik, folkehelsekoordinator Alta kommune
Workshops: Themes to be announced
Dinner at Bardus Bistro in the city centre. Click here for directions. (Limited spaces available).
Transport from the airport: From Tromsø Airport, you can take the Airport Express bus. Click here for departure times. The Airport Express bus stop in the city centre is a five-minute walk from Thon Hotel Tromsø. It is also possible to get a taxi directly from airport to the hotel.
Accommodation: We have a limited number of rooms reserved at Thon Hotel Tromsø for a discounted price of 1220 NOK per night, including breakfast. The discount code is 29913835. Please contact the hotel directly on +47 77 69 80 50 to book your room. The hotel address is Grønnegata 50, 9008 Tromsø.
Getting to the seminar venue: The seminar venue is Linken Meeting Centre/Linken møtesenter. It is situated right next to UiT´s campus in Tromsø. Bus no. 34 goes from Nerstranda, the shopping centre in the city centre, at 8.04 AM in the morning on the day of the seminar. Get off at the UNN bus stop. We will be there to welcome you. You can ask the hotel reception for directions to Nerstranda bus stop or for help finding other means of transportation.
The work packages in Healthy Choices will have internal meetings at the UiT campus Tromsø on September 26th. More information will be sent to the relevant participants.
The evening of September 26th, we invite the general public to a panel discussion on the theme «What does it take to lead a good life? – A public health perspective.» The panel discussion will be held in Norwegian, and everyone attending the Healthy Choices Autumn Seminar are more than welcome to attend the panel discussion. Read more and sign up here.