Trude Victoria Mørtberg

Mørtberg disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

“Prevention of Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) by prophylactic monoclonal antibodies. In vitro and preclinical evaluation of HPA-1a-specific antibodies”.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her! / The doctoral thesis is available here!

Auditoriet er åpent for publikum og  trømmes og et opptak vil være tilgjengelig i et døgn.
The auditorium is open to the public. The defense will still be streamed, and a recording of the disputation will be available for 24 hours.

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne starter kl. 10.15 / The trial lecture starts at 10.15
Tittel/Title:  "Non-invasive-prenatal-diagnostics (NIPD)- indications and current technology".
Prøveforelesningen strømmes her / The trial lecture will be streamed here

Disputasen starter kl. 12.15 / The defense starts at 12.15
Disputasen strømmes her / The defense will be streamed here

De som ønsker å opponere ex auditorio kan sende en e-post til leder av disputasen innen kl. 13:00 disputasdagen:
If you want to oppose ex. auditorio, send an e-mail to the leader of the defence before 13:00 on the day of the defence:

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag av avhandlingen/ Summary of the thesis

Prevention of Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) by prophylactic monoclonal antibodies. In vitro and preclinical evaluation of HPA-1a-specific antibodies.
During pregnancy, the maternal immune system normally tolerizes the fetus even when it carries paternal variants of genes. However, about 1 of 1000 pregnancies is complicated by the development of maternal antibodies toward antigens on fetal platelets. These antibodies cause low platelet count in the fetus, and in severe cases bleedings in the newborn, referred to as fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT). To date, there is no prevention for this condition.
This thesis explores the use of a monoclonal antibody as a prophylactic drug, to prevent immunization against fetal antigens. The properties of a panel of designed antibody variants were characterized for their effector functions.
Using a mouse model mimicking FNAIT in humans, it was shown that the prophylactic drug was able to successfully prevent the development of antibodies toward platelet antigens and clinical outcome in the offspring.

Veiledere/ Supervisors:
Hovedveileder/Main supervisor:
Førsteamanuensis Maria Therese Ahlen, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet og Laboratoriemedisin, Diagnostisk klinikk, Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge.
Professor Tor Brynjar Stuge, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Professor Tamam Bakchoul, University of Tübingen – 1. opponent.
Adjunct professor Agneta Wikman, Karolinska Institutet og Karolinska University Hospital – 2. opponent.
Førsteamanuensis Hege Lynum Pedersen, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komité.

Disputasleder/ Leader of defense:
Førsteamanuensis Erik Knutsen, Institutt for medisinsk biologi, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet.

When: 19.10.23 at 10.15–16.00
Where: Auditorium Cortex, plan 7, MH Vest
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited, Unit
Contact: Andrea Jennerwein
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