Christine Schumann Dybwad

MSc in Biology Christine Schumann Dybwad (AMB) will Monday December 11, 2023 hold her trial lecture and defend her thesis for the PhD degree in Natural Science.

Trial lecture on assigned topic will take place at 10.15:

Impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and carbon cycling in the polar regions” 

Later, at 12.15 she will defend her thesis entitled:

Vertical Carbon Export in a Changing Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone: Composition and seasonality in the area north of Svalbard and in an Arctic glacial fjord” 

 Evaluation Committe:

  • Professor Marja Koski, DTU Aqua, Denmark (1. opponent) 
  • Dr. Clara Manno, British Antarctic Survey, UK (2. opponent)
  • Professor II Amanda Poste, AMB/NINA (internal member and leader of the committee)


  • Professor Marit Reigstad AMB, BFE, main supervisor 
  • Professor Paul Wassmann AMB, BFE, co-supervisor 
  • Professor Jørgen Berge, AMB, BFE, co-supervisor 
  • Dr. Cathrine Lalande, Korea Polar Research Institute, South Korea, co-supervisor 


Both defense and trial lecture will be streamed and recorded from panopto:


The thesis is available in Munin.
Head of department at AMB Vidar Sørum will lead the disputation.
When: 11.12.23 at 10.15–15.00
Where: Store auditorium, E-101, NFH-bygget
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited, Unit
Contact: Lisbeth Stina Nordøy
Phone: 77644586
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