Halldor Arnarson disputerer for ph.d.-graden i ingeniørvitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen / Halldor Arnarson will defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Engineering Science:
“Intelligent self- and reconfigurable manufacturing system”.
Halldor Arnarson disputerer for ph.d.-graden i ingeniørvitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen / Halldor Arnarson will defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Engineering Science:
“Intelligent self- and reconfigurable manufacturing system”.
Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her / The doctoral thesis is available here.
Auditoriet er åpent for publikum. Disputasen vil også bli strømmet. Opptak av disputasen vil være tilgjengelig i en måned.
The auditorium is open to the public. The defense will be streamed. A recording of the defense will be available for one month.
Prøveforelesningen starter kl. 10:15 / The trial lecture starts at 10:15. Tittel / title:
“Matrix production: flexible connection of fixed production resources via advanced intra-logistics”.
Disputasen starter kl. 12:15 / The defense starts at 12:15.
Prøveforelesning strømmes her, disputas strømmes her. / The trial lecture will be streamed here, and defense will be streamed here.
Sammendrag av avhandlingen / Summary of the thesis:
As we increasingly crave unique, tailor-made products, manufacturers are moving from large-scale standard production to personalized goods. However, frequently switching up production isn't easy or cheap. Imagine a factory floor that needs to be rearranged daily!
Enter Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS). Think of RMS like adaptable building blocks for factories. While RMS is promising, it’s faced hurdles like design complications and the tedious task of reprogramming robots.
Our research offers a cutting-edge solution. We’ve created an RMS that can reshape itself, much like playing Tetris, without human help. A robot moves and reconfigures sections of the production space, offering a dynamic factory floor. We've integrated the latest industrial technologies into our RMS. From 3D printing and next-gen robotics to real-time data analytics, a digital mirror of the factory, and interconnected devices, our RMS is smarter and more efficient. One standout feature is the ability to power these dynamic systems wirelessly, eliminating cumbersome cables. Our study also introduces a smart design system, ensuring that the RMS layout is optimal, and a blueprint for a intelligent RMS.
Veiledere / Supervisors:
Hovedveileder / Main supervisor: Professor Bjørn Solvang, UiT The Arctic University of Norway,
Medveileder / Co-supervisor: Professor Bernt A. Bremdal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Bedømmelseskomité / Evaluation committee:
Prøveforelesning og disputas ledes av prodekan for forskning, Svein-Erik Sveen /
The trial lecture and defense are led by Vice Dean of research, Svein-Erik Sveen.
De som ønsker å opponere ex auditorio kan sende e-post til Svein-Erik Sveen / Opponents ex auditorio should contact Svein-Erik Sveen.