AI in University Education: An Exploratory Workshop

We invite interested colleagues from UiT to a one-day exploratory workshop on ChatGPT and other generative technologies in teaching, learning, and research.

The workshop is part of the activities of the project AI-EDU and has been scheduled for Monday, January 22, 2024 from 9am to 3:30 pm, in-person, at the UiT Campus (SV-HUM E0103). The event will feature talks and roundtable discussions, and aims at providing a platform to share experiences, network with colleagues, and develop new ideas and best practices regarding educational applications of ChatGPT and other generative technologies.

We invite UiT scholars from all disciplines working with or thinking about AI-tools in university education to participate. Registration for the event is open until Thursday, January 18 at 14:00.

You can find more information about the AI-EDU project here.


Final program



Welcome – Short presentation of AI-EDU project



Kine Maridatter (UiT – Result) & Kristine Ludvigsen (Høgskolen på Vestlandet – Avdeling for utvikling av læring og undervisning)

Students` views on AI-tools



Magnus Ingebrigtsen (UiT – Psykologi) 

Læringsprinsipper og noen fallgruver


10:15-10:30 Break



Laura Janda (UiT - Russisk) 

Examining ChatGPT’s capacity to (mis)interpret the pragmatic implications of Russian grammatical constructions



Holger Pötzsch, Therese Holt Hansen, Christina Lentz (UiT – Medie- og dokumentasjonsvitenskap og Ishavsbyen VGS)

Kunnskap om ChatGPT, skole og ChatGPT, etiske utfordringer


11:30-12:30 Lunch



Kari Langseth Hjelmen (Høgskolen på Vestlandet – Pedagogikk) 

Hvordan kritisk tenking om språkmodellens treningsbase akselererer faglige diskusjoner, og samtidig danner "strekk i feltet". Eksempler fra emnet Spillpedagogikk ved HVL.



Andreas Buch (UiT - Seksjon for virksomhetsnære tjenester)

AI drevet videoproduksjon


13:30-13:45 Break



Roundtable with all participants

When: 22.01.24 at 09.00–15.30
Where: SVHUM E-0103
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited, Unit
Contact: Christina Lentz

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