Gradsseremoni / Degree Ceremony - UiT i Narvik

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Gradsseremoni / Degree Ceremony - UiT i Narvik

Velkommen gradsstudenter / Welcome graduating students!

Vi ønsker velkommen til gradsseremoni ved UiT i Narvik den
30.05.2024, klokken 15.00. Dørene åpner 14.30.

Seremonien finner sted i Glassgaten og auditorier på campus.
Etter seremonien inviterer UiT deg og dine gjester (maks to gjester) til markering i Glassgaten.

Påmeldingsfrist 15. mai kl.12.00

We welcome you to UiT in Narviks graduation ceremony
May 30th. at 15.00. The doors will open at 14:30.

The ceremony will take place in “Glassgaten” and auditoriums on campus.
After the ceremony, UiT invites you and your guests (maximum of two guests) to a celebration in “Glassgaten”.

Registration deadline 15th of May at 12.00 noon.

Welcome by Director Åsunn Lyngdahl
Speech from Vice-Rector Rikke Gürgens Gjærum
Speech from Vice Dean Svein-Erik Sveen
Speech from the Campus Parliament by Markus Opdal
Students' speech by Ella Margrethe Berg
Symbolic ceremony in Auditorium
Speech from heads of department and award of examination gift

Mingling in Glassgaten with coffee and cake

When: 30.05.24 at 15.00–17.00
Where: UiT in Narvik - Glassgaten
Location / Campus: Narvik
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited
Contact: Tine Bendiksen

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