ILP-Seminar: Interdisciplinary Digital Health: The Future is Bright (but your app isn’t special)

In an increasingly tech-centric world, media narratives are dominated by discussion and hype about connectivity, ease and efficiency - particularly in the context of health care. But does the promise reflect the reality? In this talk, Dr Nikki Newhouse reflects on the uncomfortable truths that get in the way of digital progress and proposes how we might better understand the complexity of digital health implementation by taking an interdisciplinary approach to development and evaluation.


Lecturer: Nikki Newhouse, PhD., University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Primary Care, Medical Science Division.

Moderator: Line Lundvoll Warth, PhD., UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Education and Teacher Training.

Timetable: 14:15-14:20: Line Lundvoll Warth welcoming and opening the seminar

                       14:20-15:00: Nikki Newhouse

                       15:00-15:15: Break w/refreshments

                       15:15-15:45: Questions, comments and discussion

The seminar is open for everyone. 

It is also possible to follow the seminar digitally on teams. 

Møte-ID: 319 825 925 963
Passord: Vi72GZ76

When: 19.02.25 at 14.15–15.45
Where: Auditorium Didaktikken, ILP-bygget
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Contact: Silje Sivertsvik
Phone: 77660768
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