Akademisk liv i endring: Innsikt fra et liberalt universitet i USA

ILP har samarbeidet med Adelphi Universitet i New York i 8 år. Amerikanske studenter følger et emne som går annen hvert år, og hvor deler av emnet er lagt til Tromsø. Hensikten er at studentene får et inntrykk av hvordan man jobber pedagogisk i Nord-Norge, klimatisk, geografisk som mangfoldig.

I år vil kurset gjennomføres i uke 12, og 17.mars vil forskningsgruppen Education and Social Sustainability in The High North, EDU-NORD, invitere de som er interessert til å komme innom Ardna klokken 12:00 for å hilse på. Kollegaene ved Adelphi vil snakke om hvordan det er å være akademiker og tilknyttet et amerikansk liberalt universitet i dagen politiske klima. De vil også presentere emnet de leder og erfaringer fra det, samt presentere egne forskningsprosjekter.

Ta med matpakken; Velkommen!


Professor Robert Linnè og Professor Mary-Jane MacCarthy, Adelphi University, NY Foto: xxx

Developing and Evaluating an Interdisciplinary Coastal Science Curriculum

Professor Mary Jean McCarthy

Adelphi University/New York, USA


Currently, New York State has no standard curriculum specific to marine, coastal or environmental science, and certainly not one that is responsive or relevant to the communities living in our rapidly changing coastal zones. To respond to this gap, a team of experienced earth science educators at the secondary and postsecondary level will collaborate with local civic organizations to develop a coastal science curriculum that is scientifically sound, community-focused, inclusive of diverse viewpoints, and relevant to Long Island, New York City, and the Hudson River estuary. Completion of this project will result in a program designed to train and inspire the next generation of scientists and environmental stewards.

The new curriculum will be evaluated with mixed methods research tools such as surveys and semi-structured interviews. Those research results will provide insights into student knowledge gaps, effectiveness of active learning approaches such as project- and place- based learning, and the overall experience of participating teachers. This project is in development, so we welcome feedback on our methods of research and assessment.


Mary Jean McCarthy is a clinical associate professor of childhood education at Adelphi University in New York. Her areas of interest include community-based teacher preparation, science education, and place-based learning. Mary Jean also serves as Chair of the Nassau Land Trust, an organization that maintains a working, historic farm on Long Island offering experiential agricultural education for the community.




Memory Work:

Arts-Based Research Informing Triangle Factory Fire Memorialization

Professor Rob Linné

Adelphi University/New York, USA


The New York City Triangle Factory Fire of 1911 needlessly killed 146 young workers, mostly young Italian and Jewish immigrant women. The disaster proved to be one of the most consequential moments in US history as the labor movement flourished in response and a new social contract in the US grew out of the ashes. However, across decades memory of the moment faded seemingly at the same rate the social contract was chipped away. As the 100-year anniversary approached historians, artists, and educators took on a project of bringing this history back into our national discourse. Public history education took the form of street-based theatre, visual arts, books, plays, and ultimately a permanent memorial installed onsite.

Arts-based research was used to both inform the project of memorialization, as well as to assess the effectiveness. This talk will outline this dynamic interplay between inquiry and action.


Rob Linné is professor emeritus of education and cultural studies at Adelphi University, USA. His areas of interest include creative writing, labor education in the schools, and place-based learning. Rob also serves on the board of the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition, an organization dedicated to educating about the historical and cultural significance of the fire. 




When: 17.03.25 at 12.00–14.00
Where: Ardna
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students
Responsible: Annfrid Rosøy Steele
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