Conference: Photographic Practices as Care-Taking

A Conference at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø and Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø on 24-25 November 2022.

The conference takes place physically in Tromsø and online via Zoom (link below) and is a collaboration between the research group WONA Worlding Northern Art at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø.

Initiators and Organizers: Elin Haugdal, Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad, Stephanie von Spreter, Hanne Hammer Stien.

If you plan to physically attend the conference, registration is mandatory by 17 November with Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad per Email:

Please include information if you plan to attend the reception at Perspektivet Museum on Friday, 25 November 2022.

Photographic Practices as Care-Taking aims to examine how photographs take part in complex networks of relations. While particularly analogue image making, curating and archiving suggest a yearning for something ostensibly more stable, more material and concrete than we experience on an everyday basis, other practices embrace today’s changing digital culture. Thus, we ask which role photographs take in such a world of constant transformation, how they can “touch” and remain objects of affect when they are simultaneously part of rapidly changing circumstances and contexts. Can photographs be seen as “care-takers”, establishing empathic relationships between humans and between humans and more-than-humans? Can photographs create “other” worlds of being and caring? How can photographic images and their practitioners participate in transversal, post-disciplinary processes of recoding, rewriting and “alter-worlding” (Åsberg and Braidotti 2018)? How can photographic practices be recognized as practices of care-taking, from artistic to curatorial, as well as archival and collective methods and (counter)strategies?


Thursday, 24 November

13:00-13:30 Welcome and Introduction (Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad & Stephanie von Spreter)

13:30-14:15 Keynote: Jana Haeckel, Archived Bodies, Gestures of Repair. Re-thinking Photographic and Institutional Practices of Care (in person)*

14:15-14:30 Short break

14:30-16:30 Caring through Photographic Practices (Session 1): Charlotte Bank (in person), Lena Gudd (in person), Hilde Honerud (in person), Anamarija Podrebarac (online) (this session includes a short break in the middle, snacks being served) (Moderator: Hanne Hammer Stien)

16:30-17:00 Marte Aas, A Letter to Zoe, Film Screening with Introduction/Q&A with the artist (in person) (Introduction: Hanne Hammer Stien)

17:00-19:00 Reception / Light Dinner at Árdna, The Sámi Cultural House at UiT

Friday, 25 November

09:15-10:45 Photography’s Entanglements and Ecologies (Session 2): Christine Hansen (in person), Elin Haugdal (in person), Synnøve Marie Vik (in person) (Moderator: Stephanie von Spreter)

10:45-11:00 Short break

11:00-12:00 Keynote: Katarina Pirak-Sikku (in person) (Introduction: Hanne Hammer Stien),

Agálaččat bivttastuvvon sohkagotti ivnniiguin / Ihkát ájttegij bájnoj gárvodum / Ihkuven aajkan maadtoej klaeriejgujmie gåårveldihkie / Perpetually Shrouded in the colours of the Ancestors / För evigt klädda i ättens färger

12:00-13:00 Lunch**

13:00-14:30 Curatorial Care (Session 3): Cecilia Andersson (in person), Antonio Cataldo (online), moss collective (Elisa Maupas, Anna Stoppa (in person)) (Moderator: Elin Haugdal)

14:30-14:45 Short break

14:45-16:15 Vulnerable Photographs (Session 4): Eduard-Claudiu Gross (online), Suryanandini Narain (online), Dawn Woolley (in person) (Moderator: Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad)

17:00-19:00: Guided tour of exhibition Evgenia Arbugaeva. Hyperborea. Stories from the Arctic; Reception, Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø

* All lectures/sessions/the film screening take place at the Auditorium of The University Library – Culture and Social Sciences at UiT, Tromsø if not indicated otherwise

** There is no conference fee. Please note that all speakers/guests need to cover their own lunch. Food is available at the reasonably priced nearby university canteen, where the organizers will reserve a large table (Teorifagskantina).

The conference is financially supported by Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø and Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø.

moss collective would like to acknowledge the support of the Institut pour la photographie, Lille, France for their participation

List of Addresses:

  1. Auditorium, The University Library – Culture and Social Sciences, Huginbakken 14, Tromsø
  2. Árdna, The Sámi Cultural House at UiT, Hansine Hansens veg 18, Tromsø (opposite library)
  3. Perspektivet Museum, Storgata 95, Tromsø

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 671 9149 8773
Password: 354612

Starts: 24.11.22 at 13.00
Ends: 25.11.22 at 19.00
Where: Tromsø and online
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Students, Guests, Invited, Unit, Employees
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Attachments / Pictures:
PROGRAM Photographic Practices as Care-Taking_final_20221108
PPasCT_ABSTRACTS and BIOS_final_20221108