Queer Porn and the Erotic as History: A Roundtable Discussion

Images of porn do not usually make it into history books and mainstream historicism, even if erotic imagery surrounds us. Taking as a point of departure the “Fuck the Polite” section in the exhibition Decriminalizing History at the Humanities Library of the University of Bergen (https://decriminalizing-history.uib.no) this roundtable explores the conflictive relation between authority, history, and queerness from the standpoint of porn as a genre that (re-)positions gender conventions and important ideas about consent, representation, and sex.
Roundtable participants:
- Dr João Florêncio, Senior Lecturer in History of Modern and Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, University of Exeter, UK. https://arthistory.exeter.ac.uk/staff/florencio/
- Prof. Kate Maxwell, Professor of music history, theory, and analysis, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, NO. https://en.uit.no/ansatte/person?p_document_id=425641
- Toni Karat, Filmmaker, DE. https://meltingpointimages.wordpress.com
Organiser/respondent: David Carrillo-Rangel: david.carrillo-rangel@uib.no