Queer Porn and the Erotic as History: A Roundtable Discussion

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Queer Porn and the Erotic as History: A Roundtable Discussion
Marguerite's Hours, New York, Pierpont Morgan, MS M. 754, fol.16v.

Images of porn do not usually make it into history books and mainstream historicism, even if erotic imagery surrounds us. Taking as a point of departure the “Fuck the Polite” section in the exhibition Decriminalizing History at the Humanities Library of the University of Bergen (https://decriminalizing-history.uib.no) this roundtable explores the conflictive relation between authority, history, and queerness from the standpoint of porn as a genre that (re-)positions gender conventions and important ideas about consent, representation, and sex.


Roundtable participants: 

- Dr João Florêncio, Senior Lecturer in History of Modern and Contemporary Art and Visual  Culture, University of Exeter, UK. https://arthistory.exeter.ac.uk/staff/florencio/

 - Prof. Kate Maxwell, Professor of music history, theory, and analysis, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, NO. https://en.uit.no/ansatte/person?p_document_id=425641

 - Toni Karat, Filmmaker, DE. https://meltingpointimages.wordpress.com 

Organiser/respondent: David Carrillo-Rangel: david.carrillo-rangel@uib.no


When: 07.12.22 at 18.00–19.30
Where: Zoom
Location / Campus: Digital
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Link: Klikk her
Contact: David Carrillo-Rangel or Kate Maxwell
E-mail: kate.maxwell@uit.no
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When: 07.12.22 at 18.00–19.30
Where: Zoom
Location / Campus: Digital
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Link: Klikk her
Contact: David Carrillo-Rangel or Kate Maxwell
E-mail: kate.maxwell@uit.no
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