Lær meir om lærarutdanningane i Berkeley (USA), Auckland (NZ) og Tromsø (NO)
(english below)
Teacher Education Network (Tednet) har sidan 2018 utvikla lærarutdanningane ved University of California Berkeley, University of Auckland og UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet.
På denne dags-konferansen vil du få lære om utdanningane hos dei tre partane og korleis Tednet har påverka utdanningsprogramma. Det er gratis å delta på konferansen.
Framleggene vil være på engelsk.
Since 2018, the Teacher Education Network (Tednet) has been developing teacher education programs at the University of California Berkeley, the University of Auckland, and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
At this one-day conference, you will learn about the education programs of the three partners and how Tednet has influenced their curricula.
Attendance at the conference is free of charge.
The presentations will be in English.
University of Auckland
Fiona Ell - https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/f-ell
Paul Heyward - https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/p-heyward
Vivienne Mackisack - https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/v-mackisack
Megan Clune - https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/m-clune
University of California, Berkeley
Thomas M. Philip - https://bse.berkeley.edu/thomas-m-philip
Elisa Salasin - https://bse.berkeley.edu/elisa-k-salasin
Elisa Stone - https://calteach.berkeley.edu/people/elisa-stone
Nives Wetzel Cediel - https://bse.berkeley.edu/nives-wetzel-de-cediel
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Bengt Haugseth - https://uit.no/ansatte/bengt.haugseth
Ove Gunnar Drageset - https://uit.no/ansatte/ove.gunnar.drageset
Karin Danielsen - https://uit.no/ansatte/karin.danielsen
Gjertrud Kalseth - https://uit.no/ansatte/gjertrud.i.kalseth
Siw Killengreen - https://uit.no/ansatte/siw.killengreen